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词汇 brushed
例句 She brushed back a stray curl of hair.她把一绺卷曲的散发向后梳去。Something brushed past Bob's face and he let out a yell.有什么东西从鲍勃的脸上扫过,他大叫了一声。She brushed away the crumbs with a quick stroke.她手一掸就把碎屑挥落了。The minister brushed aside accusations that he had lied.有人指责部长撒谎,可他不予理会。Her sleeve brushed the wall.她的袖子擦过墙壁。I hardly noticed the man who brushed past me in the corridor.我几乎没注意到走廊上和我擦身而过的那个人。He brushed a strand of hair from my face.他把我脸上的一缕头发拨开。The summer sky was brushed red with the sun.阳光染红了夏日的天空。She brushed a lock of hair off his forehead.她撩开了他额头上的一缕头发。He turned up on the night, hair brushed and boots blacked.晚上他露面了,头发用发刷刷过,靴子拿黑色鞋油擦过。When I tried to talk to her about it she just brushed me off.当我试图和她谈这件事时,她就是不理我。Leaves brushed my cheek.树叶拂过我的脸颊。The committee brushed aside concerns about racism and prejudice in local government.人们对地方政府中存在种族主义和歧视现象表示担忧,委员会却不予理会。She stood up and brushed off her rear end.她站起身,拍了拍屁股。An image of his boss came into his mind, but he brushed the thought aside.老板的形象闯入他的脑海,但他将其拂去。He brushed the crumbs from his jacket.他刷去夹克上的食物碎屑。She brushed the tangles out of her hair.她把乱成一团的头发梳好。The house needs to be brushed up.这屋子需要油漆一下。She brushed some cake crumbs off her lap.她拂去了腿上的一些蛋糕屑。Something brushed against her leg.有什么东西从她腿上擦过。She lowered her head and brushed past photographers as she went back inside.她再次回到里面时低着头,与摄影师擦身而过。She accidentally brushed against him as she walked by.她从旁边走过时不小心触到了他的身体。Ella brushed the crumbs off her jacket.埃拉掸去她外衣上的面包屑。Brian splashed water on his face, then brushed his teeth.布赖恩用水冲了把脸,然后刷牙。Their objections were swept/brushed aside. 他们的反对意见很快被驳回。Her fingertips brushed the stone top of the lintel.她的指尖划过了过梁上的石面。She lowered her head and brushed past photographers.她低着头,与摄影师们擦肩而过。The soft brushed cotton feels like heaven on the skin.这种柔软的拉毛棉布上身非常舒服。She brushed by him and dashed up the stairs.她和他擦身而过,冲上楼去。She brushed aside a lock of hair that had fallen over her eye.她把挂下来遮住眼睛的一绺头发捋开。Have you brushed your teeth this morning?你今天早上刷牙了没有?He was very hurt when you brushed him aside.你把他冷落一边,他非常伤心。His symptoms are brushed aside, treated with ignore.他的各种症状被搁置一旁,无人问闻。I asked him for some help, but he just brushed me off.我请他帮忙,但他毫不客气地拒绝了我。She knelt and brushed her lips softly across Michael's cheek.她跪了下来,轻吻迈克尔的脸颊。I brushed the crumbs off the sofa.我把沙发上的食物碎屑刷掉。His lips gently brushed her cheek and he was gone.他的嘴唇轻触了一下她的脸颊后便离去了。He brushed the snow off the windshield.他刮掉了挡风玻璃上的雪。The soft silk of her skirt was deliciously sensuous as it brushed against her bare leg.柔软的丝质裙子轻轻拂过她腿上的肌肤,感觉很舒服。Railway companies brushed aside fears that staff cuts would compromise safety.铁路公司不理会裁员会危及安全的担忧。




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