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词汇 brush
例句 I can't find my brush, but I still have my comb.我找不到发刷,不过我还有梳子。Father would give you a belt over the head with the scrubbing brush.爸爸会拿硬毛刷打爆你的头。Perhaps you shouldn't brush the idea aside too hastily.也许你不应该太仓促地否定这个想法。Keep still while I brush your hair.我给你梳头时别动。Raise the nap of the material with a brush.用刷子把布料上的绒毛刷起来。The motorcyclist had a brush with danger as he skidded round the bend.摩托车驾驶员在道路弯曲处打滑了,差一点出了危险。The artist has used tiny brush strokes.画家运用纤细的笔触作画。She wiped the crumbs off the table with a brush of her hand.她用手拂去了桌上的面包屑。The mud will brush off when it dries.泥干了可以刷掉。He ran a brush over the dog's fur.他用刷子梳理狗毛。Homeowners are clearing away brush near their houses to prevent fires.房主在清除房子附近的灌木以防起火。So she gave you the brush-off, did she?这么说,她没有理睬你,对吧?He got tired of hearing his mother tell him to brush his teeth, clean his room, blah, blah, blah.他听腻了妈妈的唠叨,让他刷牙、打扫房间,干这干那的。Before painting, remove all traces of rust with a wire brush.在刷油漆前,要用钢刷去除所有的锈迹。We'd had a brush with death that left us terrified.我们有一次差点丢掉了性命,事后觉得很后怕。The corporation is fighting to survive its second brush with bankruptcy.该公司正在竭力度过其第二次破产危机。You should brush your teeth after each meal.每次餐后你都该刷牙。Picking up a brush, Joanna parted her hair.乔安娜拿起一把刷子,给头发分缝。Let the pastry overhang the rim and brush between the layers with the melted butter.用油酥面皮盖住边缘,每层之间抹些熔化的黄油。Run and brush your teeth.快去刷牙。Apply the paint with a clean brush.用干净的刷子涂油漆。Talk to a friend who will really listen and not brush aside your feelings.和一个能真正倾听你诉说并重视你感受的朋友谈谈。The corporation is fighting to survive its second brush with bankruptcy.公司正在努力摆脱自身遭遇的第二次破产危机。Stand still and let me brush your hair.站着别动,我来给你梳梳头。Because they worked so closely in the same department, John was tarred with the same brush as Tim.由于在同一个部门有密切的工作关系,约翰被认为跟蒂姆是一丘之貉。I rounded a bend where the trees and brush grew thickly.我绕过一个林木茂盛的弯。When it's dry, brush the hair using a soft, nylon baby brush.当头发干后,用柔软的婴儿用尼龙发刷梳理头发。Use a brush to even out the variations in colour.用刷子把色差刷均匀。Scrub the wood thoroughly with water and a stiff brush.用水和硬毛刷子彻底擦洗木头。The book is a broad-brush treatment of the subject.这本书对这个主题进行了粗略的探讨。Heat the honey and brush it on to the outside of the loin.将蜂蜜加热后涂抹在腰子的表面。The professor is perfectly nice but she's daft as a brush.这位教授人很好,但她就是过于迂腐。She's as daft as a brush, honestly she is.她真的是好傻好傻。I must brush up my French before going to Paris.我去巴黎前一定要把法语复习一下。The new director of the Urban League was given the brush-off by City Hall.市政厅让城镇联合会的新主任碰了钉子。We spotted a jackrabbit hidden in the brush.我们看见一只长耳大野兔躲在灌木丛中。She had a brush with a famous actor at a restaurant in New York.在纽约的一家餐馆,她和一位知名男演员有过一面之缘。That old brush will snarl your hair.那把旧梳子会让你的头发缠起来。They came thrashing through the brush.他们奋力穿过灌木丛而来。She dipped the brush lightly in the varnish.她把刷子在清漆中轻轻蘸了蘸。




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