例句 |
She strolled over to join them.她信步过去加入了他们的行列。He wandered right off the path.他信步偏离了小道。They wandered off in the direction of the nearest store.他们信步朝最近的商店走去。She wandered through the woods.她信步穿过林区。We were strolling into the town when we came face to face with Jacques DuBois.我们信步向镇子走去,迎面碰上雅克·杜波依斯。Was he riding fast, or at a slow lope?他骑着马是在飞奔,还是信步前行?We wandered slowly onwards, pausing now and again to admire the view.我们慢慢地信步向前走去,不时停下来看看风景。 |