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词汇 信息技术
例句 Once the province of IT departments, these devices are emerging as consumer products.这些装置曾经是信息技术部门的专属,但现在正作为消费品而出现。No one likes gambling with their careers but, nowadays, the IT manager has to take a punt.没有人愿意拿自己的职业冒险,但是现在这位信息技术经理不得不赌一把。Every day, we hear that the IT industry is booming, but where's the real evidence of that?我们天天都听说信息技术产业蓬勃发展,但是具体体现在哪里呢?Graduates in IT earn most, and those in education earn least.信息技术专业的毕业生赚钱最多,而教育学专业的毕业生赚得最少。The IT department manages its own budget.信息技术部门管理支配自己的预算。The IT market is growing, thanks to the Internet boom.由于互联网的迅速繁荣,信息技术市场在增长。The world is being transformed by information technology.信息技术正在改变社会。The use of IT in areas such as accounting and finance has grown at an astonishing rate.信息技术在会计和金融等行业的使用增长之迅速令人惊讶。There has to be a degree of co-operation between IT and human-resources departments.信息技术部和人力资源部之间要有一定程度的合作。The IT department will assist you with installation and setup.信息技术部会协助你进行安装和调试。IT managers are under constant pressure to update software.信息技术经理一直承受持续更新软件的压力。They fund research in areas like information technology.他们为信息技术这一类的研究领域提供资金。You can get good IT staff by going to recruitment agencies.可以通过招聘代理招到很好的信息技术人员。The conjunction of computers and communications is perhaps the most important aspect of information technology.计算机和通讯的结合可能是信息技术最重要的方面。The IT sector is fast-growing and dynamic.信息技术产业发展迅速,日新月异。Most managers couldn't care less about information technology. More fool them.多数的经理管理者根本不关心信息技术,他们真的很傻。IT people are highly mobile.信息技术人士的流动性很大。The IT explosion means that telecommunications companies are thriving.信息技术爆炸意味着通信公司蓬勃发展。We are especially encouraged by the strong representation, this year, of women in information technology disciplines.今年,女性在信息技术领域的突出表现尤其让我们备受鼓舞。He recommends more extensive use of information technology.他建议更加广泛地运用信息技术IT is a tool for learning, not merely an end in itself.信息技术是一种学习工具,而不只是为了本身的目的。Spending on information technology has declined.用于信息技术的支出减少了。The IT skills shortage means we often have to look abroad for our staff.信息技术业的技术人员缺乏意味着我们得到国外寻找员工。She works in information technology.她从事信息技术工作。This is the UK's leading organization at the interface of law and IT.这是英国处在法律和信息技术结合点的一个重要机构。Consumers in Europe are slow to pick up trends in the use of information technology.欧洲消费者在辨别信息技术应用的潮流上表现迟缓。Globalization and the rise of information technology have changed the topology of the corporation.全球化和信息技术的崛起改变了公司的构造。Information technology is an enabler, but not the whole solution.信息技术使解决问题成为可能,却不是问题的解决办法。Public libraries frequently have computers that people can use to brush up their IT skills.公共图书馆常常有电脑可供大家温习信息技术的技能。There's a growing need for computer programmers and IT people in many parts of Latin America.拉丁美洲有许多地方对电脑程序员和信息技术人员的需求在增加。Communications technology has proved to be a growth area.信息技术领域已证明为高增长领域。Innovations in information technology have completely transformed the way students work.信息技术的革新已彻底改变了学生的学习方式。IT managers need people skills otherwise known as leadership skills.信息技术经理需要社交能力,即领导才能。




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