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例句 The information was presented graphically.这条信息由图表显示。So what is really happening as the information bandwagon starts to roll?信息大潮滚滚而来的时候究竟发生了些什么呢?Do you have the information I need?你有我需要的信息吗?Fans who taped the show can replay it in slow-motion to read the messages that whizzed by on screen.把这个节目录下来的忠实观众可以用慢动作重放,以解读在屏幕上一闪而过的信息A lot of information can be retained in your computer.你的计算机里可以储存很多信息Many youngsters spend hours surfing the net.许多年轻人花很长时间上网浏览信息The greatest hope for reform is the gradual spread of information.对改革的最大希望是信息能得以逐渐传播。The message to business is clear: adapt or die.给企业的信息很明确:要么适应,要么倒闭。I am currently trying to navigate through a whole stack of information on the subject.我目前正在设法整理有关这个问题的一大堆信息The machine automatically downloads the required information to your fax.那台机器自动将所需信息下载到你的传真机上。His message is very applicable to high-school students.他的信息对高中生很适用。Please contact our agent in Spain for further information.如需更多信息,请联系本公司在西班牙的代理。They are spreading the word on the need for healthy eating.他们正在宣传关于健康饮食的必要性的信息Managers are too expensive and important to spend time digging up market information.经理的薪金过高,职责太过重大,不能将时间浪费在挖掘市场信息上。The message was printed in blue ink.信息用蓝色墨水印刷。Such information is easily transferred onto microfilm.这种信息很容易转存到缩微胶卷上。I read through the previous messages, then posted a quick response.我浏览了之前的信息,然后跟帖留言。He had been given some wrong information.他被告知一些不实的信息I had only about a dozen replies to my request for information.我征集信息,但只收到十几份响应的答卷。We've got our own website which people should visit to get clued up about the Scottish bid.我们有自己的网站,人们可以通过访问网站来了解有关苏格兰投标的信息More detailed information is available on request.可以索取更详细的信息The institution of the Freedom of Information Act has had a significant effect.信息自由法》的制定产生了深远的影响。More info can be found in my first post on the subject.可以在我对该问题发的第一篇帖子中找到更多的信息Descriptions of the pieces have been logged on computer by the Art Loss Register.艺术品失窃登记处已经将这些艺术品的描述信息输入到计算机里。The information contained in the memo got lost in the shuffle once it reached headquarters.备忘录中的这一信息送达总部后给忽略了。The Small Firms Service holds an enormous amount of information on any business problem.小型企业服务处备有关于各种商务问题的海量信息For more information about our product range, call your local office.如想得到更多关于我们产品种类的信息,请电话垂询当地办事处。The public registry in Panama City keeps computerized records of all companies.巴拿马城的公共注册处把所有公司的登记信息都存入了电脑。He edited the paper and removed any redundant information or statements.他对论文进行了编辑,删掉了所有冗余信息或陈述。The researcher's job is to gather information about people.这位研究员的工作是收集人们的信息The detective nosed out some interesting information on the suspect.侦探查出一些有关这名嫌疑犯的耐人寻味的信息Her capacity to absorb information is amazing .她对信息的掌握能力令人称奇。He bellowed information into the mouthpiece of his portable telephone.他对着手机话筒吼了一通信息You can search the document for particular words or phrases, in order to get directly to the information you need.你可以在文件中搜寻单词或短语,以便直接获取所需信息That information is very personal, and you have no business asking about it.那条信息纯属个人隐私,这不是你该过问的事。There is no clear and unbiased information available for consumers.消费者没有清晰、公正的信息可参考。The ostensible purpose of these meetings was to gather information on financial strategies.这些会议声称旨在收集有关金融策略的信息The Republicans took the moral high ground with the message that they were best equipped to manage the authority.共和党人传达了这样一种信息,即他们最有资格管理政府,从而在道义上占了上风。He delivered an uncompromising message to his party.他向自己所在的政党传递了不妥协的信息Data exists but it needs pulling together.信息是有,但需要整理。




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