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词汇 信念
例句 I wanted my kids to have some determination and strength of mind.我希望我的孩子能够拥有一些决心和信念He seemed unable to infuse others any longer with his own convictions.他似乎不再能以自己的信念鼓舞别人。Their faith does not magic away the pain.他们的信念不能使痛苦神奇般消失。I've never shied away from saying what I believe in.我从不回避说出自己的信念The belief in Jesus as a prophet is a major part of several world creeds.耶稣是先知这个信念是世界几大宗教信条的一个重要组成部分。When events happen that shake these beliefs, our fear takes control.当一些事情的发生动摇这些信念时,恐惧就会占据我们的心灵。He suffered the long illness with tremendous dignity and fortitude.他以超乎常人的保持生命尊严的信念和顽强的意志忍受着长期的病痛。His faith bulwarked him through the crisis.他的信念使他得以安然渡过危机。Many socialists were moving away from faith in revolution towards a fight for reform.许多社会主义者正逐渐改变革命信念,转而为改革而斗争。The idea of doing our duty is deeply ingrained in most people.恪尽职守这一信念深深铭刻在大多数人的心里。You have to be ready to stand up for the things you believe in.你必须有思想准备,要坚决维护自己的信念By his international achievements he leaves a fitting monument to his beliefs.他在国际上的成就为其信念作出了最好的注解。Had he sought supervision, he may have been helped to disentangle his feelings, motives, and beliefs.要是他寻求了指导,他也许就会在别人的帮助下理清自己的感受、动机和信念Our faith is not shakable.我们的信念不可动摇。His beliefs conflicted with the spirit of the age.他的信念与当时的时代精神发生了冲突。For many it is an article of faith that the economy will begin to improve soon.很多人抱有一个坚定的信念,那就是经济很快将开始好转。In this passage the writer is speaking his own convictions.在这段文章里,作者表达了他自己的信念Those thoughts rocked her assurance to its foundations.那些想法从根本上动摇了她的信念It's based on the idea that all people are created equal.它是基于人人生而平等这个信念之上的。He sticked by his beliefs.他坚持自己的信念Her book clearly reflects her beliefs.她的书清楚表达了她的信念Nothing could shake her conviction that she could not be beaten.她深信自己不会被打败,什么都不能动摇她的这一信念Were they written tongue-in-cheek, or with an underlying conviction?它们只是随便写出来的呢,还是有什么深层的信念In the end, it was her passionate belief in justice that carried her through.最后,是她对公正的热忱信念帮助她渡过了难关。He succeeded by hard work and sheer determination.他靠努力工作和坚定的信念取得了成功。America's belief in its own God-ordained uniqueness started to erode.美国人心中上帝赋予了他们独一无二的品质的信念开始逐渐丧失。Even under torture, he refused to deny his beliefs/faith.即使遭受酷刑,他也决不放弃自己的信念/信仰。Her powerful words deepened our commitment to the cause.她的铿锵话语坚定了我们为事业献身的信念It takes courage to go against the grain and stand up for what you believe in.违反常理坚持自己的信念是需要勇气的。He's a man with strong moral convictions. 他这个人具有很强的道德信念Their protests stiffened the spines of party activists.他们的抗议坚定了该党积极分子的信念The belief that one should work hard is ingrained in our culture.谁都应当努力工作的信念深深淀积在我们的文化意识中。It requires a significant leap of faith to believe that we can succeed where so many others have failed.如果认为我们能在那么多人都失败的事情上获得成功,就必须有大胆的信念I'm struggling to retain any vestige of belief in his innocence.我竭力保留一丝坚信他无辜的信念As a politician, you have to show resilience - the ability to remain steadfast in your beliefs.作为一名政治家,你必须表现出不屈不挠的性格,即坚持自己信念的能力。Although many of his policies were unpopular, he had the courage of his convictions to see them through.尽管他的许多政策不受欢迎,但他仍然有勇气按照自己的信念去贯彻。The belief persists to this day.这种信念一直延续至今。A deep respect for the truth had been ingrained in the child.尊重真理的深刻信念已深深扎根在这小孩的心中。Blind faith sent thousands of people to a pointless war.盲目的信念把成千上万的人送往一场毫无意义的战争。By carrying on with day-to-day activities, he exemplified his belief that AIDS patients were not victims but people for whom every new day was a triumph.他通过开展日常活动证明了自己的信念,即艾滋病患者不是受难者,对于他们来说每个全新的一天都是胜利。




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