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词汇 信任
例句 I tend not to trust politicians. 我对从政者往往不太信任Peace talks have been encumbered by a mutual lack of trust.和平谈判由于缺乏相互间的信任而受阻。Business crime undermines public faith in the business system.商业犯罪会破坏公众对商业系统的信任A sick person needs absolute confidence and trust in a doctor.病人需要对医生有绝对的信心和信任He has shown disloyalty to the party and is not to be trusted.他已经表现出对党的不忠,不再能受到信任It can be beneficial to share your feelings with someone you trust.向自己信任的人倾诉感情是很有益处的。Our marriage is based on friendship, love, and trust.我们的婚姻是以友谊、爱情和信任为基础的。Does the plan have the trust and cooperation of the workers?这一计划是否得到工人的信任和配合?Confidence in the company is at rock bottom.对该公司的信任降到了最低点。You shouldn't have trusted him.你本来就不该信任他。You trust a guy and then he turns out to be a heel.信任这个家伙,可结果他却是一个卑鄙小人。He let the mask slip a little as his trust grew.随着信任的增加,他脸上的伪装消失了一些。He felt he had failed his team-mates.他觉得辜负了队友们的信任A good relationship is built on trust.良好的关系建立在信任的基础上。They are trying to restore faith in the political system.他们正努力恢复对政治体制的信任We feel pain, disillusionment, and despair when someone we idolized betrays our trust.当我们崇拜的人辜负了我们的信任,我们会感到痛苦、幻灭和绝望。If you have a problem, tell your parent, teacher, or someone else you trust.你如果有麻烦,就告诉父母、老师或其他你信任的人。Claire is the one person I can trust.克莱尔是我唯一能信任的人。You have to put your faith in the pilot when you're flying.飞行时你必须信任飞行员。This shows that the people of Middle England no longer trust the government.这表明英国中产阶级已经不再信任政府。The hard part is knowing who to trust.难就难在不知道可以信任谁。Winning people's trust is half the battle.取得了人们的信任,成功就大有希望了。He was the Prime Minister's most trusted lieutenant.他是首相最信任的助手。His irresponsibility mocked my trust in him.他不负责任的态度辜负了我对他的信任He felt that he had been manipulated by the people he trusted most.他觉得自己被最信任的人给操控了。She trusts him blindly.她盲目地信任他。I wasn't worried: I knew I could depend on you.我不担心:我知道我可以信任你。I told you that in strict confidence, so why did you tell her about it?我极其信任地把那事告诉了你,可你怎么又讲给她听了呢? With the proper conditioning, the horse will learn to trust and obey its handler.经过适当的条件反射训练,马就会信任和服从驯马师。Theirs was a partnership based on mutual respect, trust and understanding.他们的合作是建立在相互尊重、信任和理解的基础之上的。I shall look out that I don't trust him again.我将提高警惕,不再信任他。I was afraid to trust anyone after that.从那以后我不敢再信任任何人。His experience left him with a mistrust of banks.他的经历使他对银行不再信任Leaders must trust their publics if they are to earn confidence in return.领导人要换取群众的信任就必须先信赖群众。She wondered whether or not to trust him.她不知道该不该信任他。She had put all her trust in him.她对他寄予了全部的信任Her friendly attitude misled me into thinking I could trust her.她友好的态度使我错以为可以信任她。This level of confidence in the economy is good for trade generally.这种对经济的信任通常有利于贸易的进行。The candidate has won/lost the confidence of voters.这位候选人赢得/失去了选民的信任The president will have to work hard to restore his credibility.总统将不得不努力使公众恢复对他的信任




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