例句 |
He chose to resign to keep his self-respect.为了保持自尊他决定辞职。It's difficult to keep your self-respect when you have been unemployed for a long time.你在长时间失业之后,就很难保持自尊了。It's hard to hang on to your dignity when everyone treats you as if you're old and senile.当大家都把你当作老糊涂时,你很难保持自尊。How can I stay here and keep my self-respect?我怎么才能既呆在这儿又保持自尊呢?It is difficult to keep your self-respect when you have been unemployed for a long time失业很长一段时间后很难保持自尊。Old people need to retain their dignity and independence.老年人需要保持自尊和独立。 |