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词汇 保安
例句 They nodded goodnight to the security man.他们跟保安点头道晚安。Additional security was provided for the President's visit.他们为总统的到访加强了保安The government boosted security precautions.政府加强保安预防措施。The police pinned the robbery on the night watchman.警方认定这起抢劫案系值夜保安所为。He was confronted by a security guard when he tried to leave the store.他试图离开商店时,迎面碰上了一名保安The incident raised concerns about the safety and security of nuclear weapons being transported through Europe.这起事件使人们关注到经欧洲运输的核武器的安全和保安问题。He was being held by two security guards, his head bowed in shame.他被两个保安架着,羞愧地低着头。A security guard with a dog patrols the building site at night.夜间一名保安带着一条狗在建筑工地巡逻。The store hired a guard to put a check on shoplifting. 商店雇用了一名保安,以防店内货品失窃。He's been made Head of Security at the Chicago National Bank.他被提升为芝加哥国民银行的保安主管。We have a security guard around the whole area.我们在该地区各处部署了保安Don't blame the security guard for not letting you in; he is only doing his job.别怪保安不让你进,他不过是尽职而已。Robbers tied up security guards and seized the money.强盗们把保安捆绑住,并抢走了钱。The car park is patrolled by security officers.停车场的巡查工作由保安们来完成。The security guards soon overpowered the man.保安迅速制服了那名男子。All personnel are to receive security badges.所有人员都将拿到保安徽章。Officers from Special Branch are investigating the case.政治保安处的警官正在调查这起案件。If the new safety system had been in use, the accident would never have happened.要是新的保安系统已投入使用,这场事故决不会发生。He was upgraded to security guard.他被擢升为保安That security guy never recognizes me. I always have to show him my ID.那名保安从来都不认得我。我总得给他看我的身份证。The need for personal protection has led to a booming private security industry here.人身保护的需要使得这里的私人保安行业蓬勃发展。Some defence jobs require security clearances that are only issued to native-born citizens.有些国防部门的工作要求申请人持有保安许可证,而这些许可证是只发给本国公民的。Private security firms must still operate within the limits of the law.私人保安公司仍必须在法律规定的范围内经营。From the other side of the door came the scrape of a guard's boot.从门的另一侧传来了保安嚓嚓的马靴声。A security guard was stationed near the door.近门处有一名保安站岗。A group of security guards shoved through the crowd.一群保安挤过人群。They tried to buy the guard at the bank off but he told the police and the gang was arrested.那伙人试图买通银行的保安,但保安报了警,于是他们都被抓了起来。Two boys ran past with a security guard in pursuit.两个男孩跑过,保安在后面追赶。The guard insisted that we show him our ID's.保安坚持要求我们出示身份证明。They ended up tussling with security staff.他们最终和保安厮打了起来。Security firms have to work strictly within the law.保安公司必须严格在法律范围之内从事活动。The security guard relented and let them through.保安最后同意了,给他们放了行。The security guards formed a human chain in front of the crowd.保安在人群前面搭成了一条人链。One of the security guards gave the alert.其中的一个保安发出了警报。We were surrounded by security goons.我们被保安们包围了。If you won't leave, I'll have to call security.你如果不走我就要叫保安了。Security guards escorted the intruders from the building.保安把闯入者押送出了大楼。We were stopped by two hulking security guards.我们被两名身材魁梧的保安拦住了。The guard set off in pursuit of the thief.那个保安开始追赶小偷。We called security when we found the door open.发现门开着时,我们叫了保安




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