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词汇 俄国人
例句 The Russians had to dive-bomb the cities to regain control.俄国人不得不对这些城市进行俯冲轰炸,以夺回控制权。He had been recruited by the Russians as a mole and trained in Moscow.他已被俄国人招募为间谍并在莫斯科接受了培训。He had initially thought Byrnes too soft with the Russians.原先他还以为伯恩斯对俄国人过于手软呢。The Russians were visibly wavering.那些俄国人明显在犹豫。He interpreted to me what the Russian was saying.他将那俄国人讲的译给我听。The Russians called for reinforcements from other garrisons while engaging the enemy in truce negotiations.俄国人一边与敌方进行休战谈判,一边请求其他守军增援。The Russians have already indicated their willingness to cooperate.俄国人已经表明了愿意合作的意向。Angry Russians may have torn down the statue of Felix Dzerzhinsky.愤怒的俄国人可能已经拆毁了费利克斯·捷尔任斯基的雕像。He pleaded the case for continued cooperation with the Russians.他极力为继续与俄国人合作的事辩护。The Russians retreated, needing to regroup their forces.俄国人需要重组军队,于是撤退了。He had intimated to the French and Russians his readiness to come to a settlement.他已经向法国人和俄国人暗示他愿意达成协议。The U.S. President wanted a fail-safe accommodation with the Russians.美国总统希望与俄国人达成一项万无一失的和解安排。It is not known how the Russians obtained such potentially sensitive information.没有人知道俄国人是如何得到这些可能极为敏感的信息的。The Russians had to dive-bomb the cities to regain control.俄国人必须俯冲轰炸那些城市才能重新获得控制权。




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