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词汇 侵蚀
例句 Soil erosion by rain and wind is a serious problem here.雨和风对土壤的侵蚀在这儿是个严重问题。Crashing waves have eroded the cliffs along the beach.海浪的拍打侵蚀了海滩沿岸的峭壁。They dredged sand from the river to add to the eroding beach.他们从河底挖沙垒在受侵蚀的沙滩上。The sea is encroaching on the land.海水侵蚀了土地。Coastal erosion is aggravated by the rapid expansion in tourist development.海岸线侵蚀随着旅游业的迅速发展越来越严重。Waves played a large part in eroding the cliff.海浪是侵蚀峭壁的主要因素。Suffering was easier to bear than the bitterness he felt corroding his spirit.相较于他感觉正在侵蚀他灵魂的痛苦而言,这种折磨倒更容易承受。Many buildings are eroding away.许多建筑物都受到了侵蚀Suffering was easier to bear than the bitterness he felt corroding his spirit.比起他感到正在渐渐侵蚀他精神的那些痛苦来说,这种折磨承受起来更容易些。The ocean is slowly encroaching upon the shoreline.海洋缓慢地侵蚀着海岸线。He warns that corruption is corroding Russia.他警告人们腐败正在侵蚀俄罗斯。In desert areas shifting sand used to encroach on the cultivated land.在沙漠地区流沙常侵蚀耕地。The shoreline has eroded badly.海岸线侵蚀严重。Weathering has seriously eroded the caves.风化作用严重地侵蚀了岩洞。It's a sign of the encroachment of commercialism in medicine.这是医学受到商业化侵蚀的一个迹象。Basal-cell cancer can gnaw through bone into the brain.基底细胞癌能透过骨头侵蚀大脑。The culture has been corrupted by Western influences.这种文化受到了西方影响的侵蚀Acid rain is already destroying large areas of forest and lakes in northern Europe.酸雨已经在侵蚀北欧广大的森林和湖泊地区。As their roots are strong and penetrating, they prevent erosion.它们的根十分粗壮而且扎得很深,从而避免了受侵蚀Rock is weathered by the action of ice and changes in temperature.冰的作用和温度的变化使得岩石受到了侵蚀The river's banks had been scoured by floodwaters.河岸已经被洪水侵蚀了。The raging flood waters eroded the fertile farmland.汹涌的洪水侵蚀了肥沃的农地。The waves were eating the walls away.海浪侵蚀着墙壁。The sea is encroaching upon the land.海水侵蚀了土地。The cliffs are being constantly eroded by heavy seas.悬崖正不断受到汹涌海浪的侵蚀The rocks have been worn down by weathering.岩石被风化侵蚀了。The oil is attacked by naturally occurring microbes which break it down.原油受到了自然产生的分解油类物质的微生物的侵蚀Over the years, rain, wind, and sun had corroded the statue, turning the bronze a bright green.这些年来,雨水、风吹和日晒已经侵蚀了这尊塑像,把青铜变成了草绿色。The rebels are now chewing up Government-held territory.叛军正在侵蚀政府的地盘。The river had eaten into the bank, and part of it had collapsed.河水侵蚀了堤岸,有一部分已塌陷了。If the river is not controlled, it will erode its banks as well as the surrounding farmland.如不对这条河加以控制,它就会侵蚀两岸及周边的耕地。The waves had undermined the cliff.波浪冲刷侵蚀悬崖的底部。The stones are being eaten away by pollution.石头正受到污染侵蚀Price rises have eroded profit margins.价格上涨侵蚀了利润。The wood had been attacked by a fungus.木头已受到真菌侵蚀Without adequate protection from plants, the river banks began to erode.由于缺少足够的植被保护,河床开始遭受侵蚀Much of Britain's coastline is crumbling away.英国的大部分海岸线正在遭受侵蚀The river bank had been steadily eroded over the years.这些年来河堤已被不断地侵蚀Caves are formed by water eroding rock.流水侵蚀岩石,形成了洞穴。The soil is depleted first by having crops grown in it and second by natural weathering and bacterial action.土壤首先是被种植其中的作物消耗掉,其次受自然风化和细菌活动的侵蚀




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