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词汇 佩戴
例句 The bravos, soldiers, whatever they were, wore ordinary street clothes, no identifying colours or badges.那些人,不知道是杀手还是士兵,都穿着便服,没有佩戴任何表明身份的标志或徽章。The wagons were decorated with flowers and pulled by garlanded horses.马车都用鲜花装点,由佩戴花环的几匹马拉着。The helmets that boxers wear cushion blows to the head.拳击选手佩戴的头盔可以缓和对头部的打击。He wore special glasses to correct his double vision.佩戴了特殊眼镜来矫正复视。Staff wore name tags.工作人员都佩戴姓名牌。The wearing of a crash helmet is required by law.法律要求必须佩戴安全帽。Burkoth lettered in soccer.伯考思在足球上获得了佩戴校名首字母标志的荣誉。She wore the logo of the sponsoring company.佩戴着赞助公司的标识。The legislation requires motorcyclists to wear helmets.这一法规要求摩托车手佩戴头盔。It is decorous to wear all one's decorations on an occasion like this.在这样的场合佩戴全部勋章是得体的。The main item of jewellery worn by men, other than a watch, is cuff links.男人佩戴的主要饰物除了手表就是链扣了。Visitors are issued with identity cards to wear inside the factory.给访客身份识别卡供他们在工厂内佩戴Like all French Resistance veterans, Chalet wore his pink ribbon with conspicuous pride.像所有的法国抵抗运动老兵一样,夏莱十分自豪地佩戴着他的粉红缓带。My mother very rarely wears jewellery.我母亲很少佩戴珠宝首饰。Don't forget to wear your name badge.别忘记佩戴你的名牌。We were all given name tags to wear at the conference.我们都拿到了这次会议上佩戴的写有自己名字的胸牌。She'll wear fine jewellery wherever she goes.她无论走到哪儿都会佩戴精美首饰。The bridesmaids had adorned their heads with flowers.伴娘们头上佩戴着鲜花。It was ruled that the injured man was in breach of his duty by not wearing the safety equipment provided.裁决认为伤者未佩戴提供的安全装备是没有尽到义务。The charm, it's claimed, protects the wearer from evil spirits.这个护身符据说可以使佩戴者免受邪灵侵害。People sported swastikas and walls were covered with inflammatory slogans.人们佩戴着纳粹党的曲十字标志,墙上写满了煽动性口号。Medals are usually worn only on ceremonial occasions.勋章通常只在仪式上佩戴I seldom wear the school badge.我很少佩戴校徽。She was dressed in an evening gown and jewels.她身穿晚礼服,佩戴珠宝首饰。In future, staff must wear identity badges at all times.从今以后,员工必须一直佩戴身份证章。The players wore black armbands as a mark of respect.运动员们佩戴着黑袖章以示尊敬。My grandparents used to wear charms to protect themselves against evil spirits.我的祖父母以前都佩戴护身符驱邪护身。He picked the blue tie to wear to the interview.他选择佩戴那条蓝色领带参加采访。You can show your support for our cause by wearing one of these red ribbons.你可以通过佩戴红丝带来表示支持我们的事业。One of the boys had to be rescued by firemen wearing breathing apparatus.其中一个男孩不得不由佩戴呼吸器的消防员救出。In medieval times the sapphire was believed to offer protection to its wearer.中世纪时期,蓝宝石被认为可以保护它的佩戴者。Her jewellery glittered under the spotlight.佩戴的珠宝在聚光灯下闪闪发光。She wore a hand-crafted brooch made from silver.佩戴着一枚手工银胸针。They adorned themselves with jewelry.他们佩戴着珠宝。Everyone at the party wore a name tag.晚会上每个人都佩戴着姓名标牌。New security measures require all visitors to sign in at the reception desk and wear a visitor's badge.新安全措施要求所有访客都在接待处登记并佩戴访客证。There's a small shop in town where they do tattooing and body piercing.他们可以在镇上的小店里文身或在身体上打洞佩戴饰品。They now face the prospect of having to wear a cycling helmet by law.他们现在面临的情形是:不久将需要依法佩戴摩托车头盔。She handed out name tags for people to wear at the conference.她把会场上佩戴的名牌分发给了与会者。The hearing aid is simple to fit and virtually invisible when worn.这款助听器佩戴简便,而且戴上后几乎看不出来。




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