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You know I really care about you, or else I wouldn't be here.你知道我很在乎你的,不然我也不会在这儿。You know I don't approve of you smoking.你知道我不赞成你吸烟。If you have a problem, you know you can call at any hour of the day or night.如果遇到问题,你知道你可以随时打电话来。Do you know her whereabouts?你知道她的下落吗? Did you know that she's a Kennedy?你知道她是肯尼迪家族的一员吗?You know you're wrong. Why don't you admit it? 你知道错了,为什么不承认呢?Things are different now, you know.你知道,现在情况不同了。You know, I wasn't sold on this trip in the beginning.你知道,刚开始我并不同意来参加这次旅行。Ijust wanted you to know how grateful I am.我只想让你知道我是多么感激。I'm not ready for my bus pass yet, you know!我还没有到拿免费乘车证的年龄,你知道吗!You know this means war!你知道这意味着论战。Do you know how to operate the air conditioning?你知道如何使用这台空调吗?You needn't have washed all those dishes, you know - I'd have done them myself when I got home.你本来不用洗那些碗碟的,你知道——我回家后自己会洗的。Do you know what's causing the delay?你知道推迟的原因吗?It costs a lot of money to go to medical school, you know.你知道的,上医学院花费很大。Have you heard the latest cricket score?你知道板球赛的最新比分吗?Excuse me, buddy - do you know the way to the beach?对不起,朋友,你知道去海滩怎么走吗?Would you know what to do if a fire broke out in your school?要是学校里失火你知道怎么办吗?David, as you know, has not been well lately.你知道的,戴维近来身体不大好。What other ways do you know to add variety?你知道其他增加变化的方法吗? You know what it's like when you're dying for someone to pay you a compliment and nobody does.当你非常渴望得到别人的赞美却没人这么做时,你知道那是什么滋味。I'm sorry, we can't change foreign currency. We're only a small branch, you see.对不起,我们无法兑换外币。你知道,我们只是家小分店。Do you know who's going to announce tonight's game?你知道今晚比赛由谁解说吗?Do you know of a good home remedy for heartburn?你知道能有效治疗胃灼热的家庭疗法吗?Well I just thought, you know, I'd better agree to it.嗯,你知道,我想我最好同意此事。You know what he's like about food - thou shalt not serve red wine with fish.你知道他对饮食的那些坚持吧——在吃鱼时千万不要佐以红酒!Do you know who the car's original owner is?你知道这辆车原来的主人是谁吗?You know what they say: variety is the spice of life. 你知道他们说的是:变化是生活的调味品。Don't punch him, you know how easy he bruises.别用拳打他,你知道他很容易得瘀伤的。I'm boning pretty hard. I graduate this term, you know.我现在学习十分努力,你知道,这学期我将毕业了。You tell yourself everything's all right but you know it's not really.你自己对自己说一切都好,但你知道事实并非如此。Hold on – I'm not made of money, you know.等一下,你知道,我可不是很有钱。You know how much I care about you.你知道我是多么地在乎你。Do you know exactly when you conceived?你知道自己怀孕的确切时间吗?You know, you just might be right about that.你知道吗,你对那件事的看法也许是对的。Do you know how he got tangled in the quarrel?你知道他是怎么卷入争吵的吗? It's the kind of film I like – you know, plenty of blood and guts.这是我喜欢的那种电影,你知道,有很多血腥刺激场面的那种。Don't even ask Dad. You know how tight-fisted he is about these kinds of things.你问都不用去问爸爸,你知道他在这些事情上手很紧。Do you know any good restaurants in this area?你知道这一带有什么好的餐馆吗?Do you know what? I'm going to the circus this afternoon.你知道吗?我下午要去看马戏。 |