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Oh, I know you want to palaver me into saying it's all right.噢,我知道你想恭维我,好让我就此作罢。The noes won and the idea was dropped.反对派取胜,这条意见就此作罢。If the war escalates, then you can kiss all thought of negotiations goodbye.如果战争升级,你那关于谈判的一切想法都只得作罢。I'm not going to be put off by mere technicalities.我不打算仅因这些技术性细节便就此作罢。Alan tried to start a conversation, but when Lockwood made no response, he gave up.艾伦想说说话,但洛克伍德没有回应,他只得作罢。Some time later, the matter was quietly dropped.过了一段时候,这件事就无声无息地作罢了。 |