例句 |
My tooth has been throbbing away all morning.我的那颗牙一上午都在作痛。His head throbbed.他的头阵阵作痛。Ever since the accident I've had this dodgy leg.自从那次事故以后,我的腿就总是作痛。My chest is still sore from the surgery.手术过后我的胸口还在作痛。The throbbing pain in his leg was becoming unbearable.他的腿阵阵作痛,越来越难以忍受。The bruise on his stomach ached with a steady throb.他腹部的擦伤一直阵阵作痛。The curry was still burning his throat.咖喱仍然让他的喉咙火辣作痛。It was his back playing him up.是他的后背在作痛。At the moment my shoulder muscles are fiery with pain.这会儿我肩上的肌肉红肿作痛。 |