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例句 The bar was licensed subject to the condition that no children be admitted.这个酒吧获得了经营许可,条件是不得让儿童进入。The company has admitted that it made an error in judgment in trying to expand too quickly.这家公司坦承,试图迅速扩展经营规模是个错误决策。The prime minister admitted that the crisis had been mishandled.首相承认没有处理好危机。In a written apology, the BBC admitted they had misled the public.英国广播公司在一封致歉信中承认他们误导了公众。Sinclair admitted that she had taken drugs several years before.辛克莱承认几年前曾服用过毒品。Jed admitted he'd been at the scene, but that's all I could get out of him.杰德承认他当时在场,但我能从他那里问出的就这么多。He was studying in the hope of being admitted to an engineering college.他努力学习,希望能被一所工程学院录取。They subsequently admitted that the story was pure invention.他们后来承认他们的说法纯属编造。He admitted to the fact that booze is the real cause of his problems.他承认酗酒是他的问题的真正原因。It says a lot for her that she admitted her mistake.她承认了自己的错误,这就说明她很不错。Monica admitted playing rather badly in her last match.莫妮卡承认在上次比赛中她打得相当差劲。He was admitted last night for chest pains.昨晚他因胸口疼痛而住院治疗。Jack had suffered several sudden illnesses, sometimes necessitating him being admitted to hospital.杰克好几次突然病倒,有几次不得不被送进医院。When I got mad, she finally admitted that she was pulling my leg.见我火冒三丈,她才终于承认刚才只是开玩笑。He tacitly admitted that the government had breached regulations.他默认政府违反了规定。He as much as admitted that he was a failure.他实际上已承认自己是个失败者。 The city's crime problem has not been solved, and indeed the chief constable has admitted as much himself.该市的犯罪问题尚未解决,实际上警察局长自己也这么承认。Ramos admitted he was sentimental about his old school and was sad to see it torn down.拉莫斯承认他对老学校依依不舍,看到它被拆除心中很悲伤。She's been admitted to hospital for observation.她已入院观察。He admitted that he had acted foolishly.他承认自己的行为很愚蠢。He admitted that the party had followed policies now considered wrongheaded.他承认该党所奉行的政策现在看起来是错误的。He admitted to having committed the murder.他供认实施了谋杀。He admitted he had done her wrong and asked for forgiveness.他承认曾经冤枉了她,并且请求她原谅。They admitted that they'd been foolish.他们承认自己过去太傻了。He admitted possession of drugs and was discharged.他承认持有毒品,然后被释放了。The newspaper admitted it was guilty of biased reporting.该报承认报道有失偏颇。He was admitted to the Academie Culinaire de France.他获准加入法兰西厨艺学会。He has admitted to a number of marital infidelities.他承认有过几次婚外情。Under oath, Aston finally admitted that he had lied.在宣誓的约束下,阿斯顿终于承认自己撒了谎。The police admitted that they were off the scent.警方承认他们失去了线索。She was admitted to hospital with fractures of both legs.她双腿骨折入院治疗。Dana admitted feeling hurt by what I had said.达娜承认我说的话伤了她的感情。He has admitted to acting as a drug courier.他承认曾经递送过毒品。He admitted his guilt. = He admitted that he was guilty. = He admitted being guilty.他承认自己有罪。The professors act as gatekeepers who determine which students are admitted into the competetive engineering program.教授有权决定那些学生可以参加竞争激烈的工程项目。The public are only admitted to the gardens not to the house itself.公众只允许进入花园,不能进入房子本身。The minister admitted that highly sensitive documents had been leaked to the press.部长承认,有高度机密的文件泄露给了媒体。Greek officials admitted they were alerted before the attacks took place.希腊官员承认在袭击发生前他们接到了警报。The doctor has admitted that he was in error.医生承认了他的失误。The judge was in error when she allowed the evidence to be admitted.女法官判断失误,允许了那项证据被采纳。




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