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例句 Try to get some perspective on your troubles.尽量对自己的问题作出正确的判断。The award was made for his work in cancer research.授予该奖是为表彰他在癌症研究中所作出的贡献。The team's manager made a shrewd tactical switch.该队主教练对战术作出了高明的调整。The only movement he could achieve was a trivial flutter of the left eyelid.他所能作出的惟一动作只是左眼睑微微的一颤。Jane came back with a strong response.作出强烈的反应。The Court of Appeal overturned the earlier decision.上诉法庭推翻了早先作出的裁决。All kinds of extravagant promises were made during the election campaign.在竞选活动中,候选人都作出了各式各样毫不实际的承诺。Science has contributed much to modern technology.科学对现代技术作出了很大贡献。My decision that reasonable grounds existed to believe he was complicit in war crimes, was reached on the balance of probabilities.有充分的理由去相信他是战争罪的同谋,我的这一裁决是依据或然性权衡的原则作出的。The report elicited a formal reply from the department.这一报告使该部门作出了正式回复。We cannot measure pain directly. It can only be estimated.我们无法直接度量出疼痛的程度,而只能是作出估计。There was a lot of wastage and many wrong decisions were hastily taken.浪费巨大,同时又草率地作出了许多错误决定。He makes all kinds of big promises he has little intention of keeping.作出了各种慷慨的承诺,却没有打算信守。Doctors have to make moral choices every day of their lives.医生的人生中每天都要作出道德上的抉择。The decision was given for the defendant.法庭作出被告胜诉的裁决。The child was unable to offer an articulate description of what she had witnessed.孩子无法对她所目睹的事情作出清楚的描述。The right decision was made, but probably for the wrong reasons.作出的决定是正确的,但理由可能是错误的。Their boss made a one-sided judgement.他们的上司作出了不公的判断。I could sacrifice a great deal for a cause.我能够为一个动机作出巨大牺牲。There's been a positive response to the UN Secretary-General's recent peace efforts.联合国秘书长近期为和平所作出的努力得到了积极的回应。We don't have to make a final decision till next week, so time is on our side.下星期之前我们不必作出最后的决定,因此我们有充裕的时间。Husbands and wives cannot be forced to give evidence against each other.配偶不能被迫作出于对方不利的证词。She will be remembered for her selfless devotion to the cause of the poor.人们会记住她为帮助穷人所作出的无私奉献。If you are agreeable, my husband's office will make all the necessary arrangements.如果你同意,我丈夫的事务所将作出所有必要的安排。It was a largely symbolic gesture from a government trying to win support.这在很大程度上是一个希望赢得支持的政府所作出的象征性姿态。I don't have enough knowledge of the subject to make an informed judgment.我对这个科目没有足够的了解,无法作出有依据的判断。It is time to make a realistic assessment of the danger.该是对危险作出实际估计的时候了。The decision was rightly made by the committee.决定由委员会公正地作出The jury brought in a guilty verdict.陪审团作出了有罪裁决。He has exacted a written apology from the chairman.他要求主席作出书面道歉。It was a most unsatisfactory meeting - not a single decision was made.这次会议很不理想,没有作出任何决定。It may well be worth waiting for better times before making any irrevocable commitment.作出不可收回的承诺之前等待更好的时机也许是值得的。If one of my players elbowed someone, I'd do something about it.如果我的选手用肘击人了,我会作出处理的。They are somehow unable to make the choices necessary.他们不知何故无法作出必要的选择。We need to see some results before we commit ourselves further.作出进一步承诺之前我们需要看到一些成果。I will not hesitate to take unpopular decisions.我会毫不犹豫地作出并不受欢迎的决定。His contribution to the team's success has been immense.他为这支队伍的成功作出了重大的贡献。I would be happy to answer people's queries if they write to me at my home address.如果别人写信到我家里来问我问题,我会很高兴作出回复。A major amendment was introduced into the legislation.对该法规作出了一项重大修订。They were sentenced by a military tribunal sitting in camera.对他们的判决是由一个军事法庭秘密作出的。




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