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例句 What is behind rising joblessness in a period of prosperity?繁荣时期失业现象日益严重,其真实原因何在?I just don't get/understand the idea behind this change in the rules.我只是不明白这样改变规则意义何在The book shows you how to apply critical thinking to your studies.这本书教你如何在学习当中运用批判性思维。How does the new program differ from the old one?新节目与旧节目的差异何在It is natural for us to speculate about the reasons for their visits.我们很自然会揣摸他们来访的目的何在He was certainly a pleasant man but wherein lay his charms, she wondered.他无疑是个讨人喜欢的人,但她不知他的魅力何在Midge couldn't quite put her finger on the reason.米吉还不能十分确定原因何在Here's how the process works in Finland.下面谈谈该程序是如何在芬兰运行的。To win the marathon race, you must know how to unleash your energy at the right moment.要赢得马拉松比赛,你必须知道如何在适当的时机释放你的能量。The article talks about ways to stay healthy during flu season. 这篇文章对如何在流感季节保持健康做了介绍。I don't follow the logic of your argument.我不明白你的论点逻辑性何在People are curious to know what makes British men tick.让人好奇的是英国人做事动力何在She had a feeling she already knew where this conversation was going to lead.她觉得自己已经知道这次谈话寓意何在What are you doing that for?你那样做目的何在The player knows how to accept an occasional stray elbow in the face under the basket.这位球员知道该如何在篮下承受偶尔打中脸部的肘击侵犯。I'm learning how to post photographs on my blog.我正在学习如何在博客上发照片。Lee is coming on very well now and it's a matter of deciding how to fit him into the team.李现在进步很大,问题是如何在队里给他找一个合适的位置。She learned at an early age how to act properly in social situations.她从小就学会了如何在社交场合表现得体。What's behind this sudden change of policy?政策突然变化,真正的原因何在They discovered how to form the image in a thin layer on the surface.他们发现了如何在表面薄薄的一层上形成影像。We wrestled with the issue/problem of how to cut costs without laying off workers.我们正在解决如何在不裁员的情况下削减成本的难题。They were taught how to bore rivet holes in the sides of ships.有人教他们如何在船的舷侧钻铆孔。What are their policy objectives?他们的政策目标何在The catch is how to grow rice in such a dry area.何在这样干旱的地区种水稻可是一个难题。His will detailed his assets and gave instructions for their division among his children.他的遗嘱详述了遗产情况并说明了如何在子女之间分配。The book contains information on how to find a job abroad.这本书有如何在国外找工作的信息。She counselled the player on how to handle his career and the media.她指导这位运动员如何在职业生涯和媒体之间成功应对。




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