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词汇 体育
例句 My school did nothing whatsoever in the way of athletics.我们学校在体育方面无所作为。You don't know diddly-squat about sports.你对体育一窍不通。I was only average academically, but was good at sports.我学业水平一般,但擅长体育He was almost maniacal in his pursuit of sporting records.他近乎发疯般地追求打破体育纪录。The other kids were always ragging on me because I wasn't good at sports.因为体育不好,其他孩子总是嘲笑我。The ground has already been inspected by the Sports Safety Council.该场地已经过体育安全委员会的核查。Her name was engraved on sport's roll of honour.她的名字记录在体育光荣榜里。The city's sports mania is very well-known.这座城市对体育的狂热众所周知。Some men go in for sport in a big way.有些男人酷爱体育The sports and leisure market is expanding more quickly than ever before.体育与休闲市场比以往任何时候都发展得更快。I admit that I have only a passing interest in sports.我承认自己对体育的兴趣不是很浓。Television stations use teletext to show sports scores and news.电视台利用图文电视系统播放体育比分和新闻。He is the founder of International Sports Management Limited.他是国际体育管理有限公司的创始人。The country has a proud record of sporting achievement.这个国家在体育方面有着骄人的成绩。The firing of the team's star pitcher came as a surprise to fans and sports writers alike.这个球队的明星投球手被解雇,让球迷和体育新闻记者都感到吃惊。He always feels left out when his friends talk about sports.朋友们谈论体育时,他总觉得插不上话。Major sporting events have become hostages to the big television networks.主要的体育盛会已受到这些大型电视网的限制。Jesse has begun to outshine me in sports.杰西在体育方面开始超过我。Their sporting reputation has suffered enormously from Johnson's exposure.由于约翰逊东窗事发,他们的体育声誉受到了严重损害。Sports equipment stores in Alpine towns cater for the needs of walkers, hikers and mountaineers.阿尔卑斯山区小镇上的体育用品商店满足了步行者、远足者和登山运动员的需要。She's good at sport.她擅长体育We're going to give up our sports club membership after this year.过了今年我们就要放弃体育俱乐部的会员资格了。They have been given college scholarships purely on athletic ability.他们完全是凭体育特长才获得了大学奖学金。The YMCA is running a day camp with crafts, sports, and water fun.基督教青年会正在举办一个日间活动营,活动包括手工艺、体育和水上游乐。The victory became part of sporting folklore.那次胜利已成为人们津津乐道的体育传奇故事。I was fine at sports, but pretty hopeless academically.体育不错,但学习却很差。The sporting goods store partnered with the newspaper to sponsor the road race.体育用品商店与报社合作主办这次公路赛。He was pilloried by the French sporting press.他遭到法国体育媒体的公开批评。I've always been bad at sport.我一向不擅长体育At every gathering for dances, sports, or games of any kind there are more lookers-on than participants.每次舞蹈、体育或其他比赛的活动中,旁观者都比参与者多。He listens to business/sports talk radio in the car.他开车时一般收听电台商业/体育热线节目。They were against injecting politics into the games.他们反对把政治引入体育运动会。Sad to say, sport is more important than academic subjects at some universities.遗憾的是,在一些大学里体育比学术科目更重要。The Italian Grand Prix is one of the great sporting events of the year.意大利国际汽车大奖赛是每年的体育盛会之一。I have no real interest in sports. 我对体育并不真正感兴趣。Everyone called me a weed when I was at school because I was so bad at sports.我在学校时大家说我弱不禁风,因为我体育很差。At his grammar school he is remembered for being bad at games but good in debates.在文法学校里,他因拙于体育但擅长辩论而让人印象深刻。He teaches physical education at the high school.他在高中教体育Manchester has a rich cultural, economic and sporting heritage.曼彻斯特有丰富的文化、经济和体育遗产。I've become a member of our local sports club.我成了当地体育俱乐部的成员。




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