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词汇 但他却
例句 I meant it as a bit of constructive advice, but he took it as a personal insult.我的本意是提点儿建设性意见,但他却把这视为人身侮辱。The work is boring, but he's always cheerful and uncomplaining.这项工作很无聊,但他却总是干得很起劲儿,毫无怨言。Nobody else thought the election would turn out as it did, but he called it exactly right!其他任何人都没有想到选举结果会是这样的,但他却预测得完全正确!I waited for Smith to reply, but he said nothing.我等着史密斯回答,但他却什么也没说。His home was bombed but he escaped unhurt.他的房子被炸了,但他却毫发无伤。His method sounds pretty strange, but he swears by it.他的方法听起来很奇怪,但他却说这很管用。I was joking, but he took me seriously.我在开玩笑,但他却当真了。I made towards the door, but he called me back.我朝门走过去,但他却把我叫了回来。I did all the groundwork but he got the credit.我做了所有的前期工作,但他却得了功劳。We thought he had been killed, but he turned up safe and sound.我们以为他已遇害,但他却安全无恙地出现了。It was an easy test and he should have passed, but he didn't.这次测验很容易,他应该可以通过的,但他却没有。I went forward to shake hands with him, but he turned away and began talking to someone else.我走上前去跟他握手,但他却转过头去跟别人谈起话来。She had tried to be a good wife, and he repaid her by cheating on her.她尽力做个好妻子,但他却对她抱以不忠。We waited on him, but he never came.我们在等他,但他却一直没来。She looked appealingly in his direction, but he turned aside.她恳求地朝他看去,但他却把头转向一边。She tried to pull her hand away but he held her fast.她试图把手挣脱出来,但他却紧紧地抓着她。We all fell about laughing, but he didn't get the joke.我们都笑弯了腰,但他却没明白这笑话有什么好笑之处。Although he was twice as old as us, he became the life and soul of the company.虽然他的年纪是我们的两倍,但他却成为了公司的灵魂人物。She was hoping he would stop and talk to her, but he passed her by.她盼望着他会停下来跟她说话,但他却径直走过。I was just teasing him, but he took it the wrong way.我不过是逗逗他,但他却领会错了。She suggested that he would win easily, but he demurred, saying he expected the election to be close.她暗示他会轻易获胜,但他却不认同,说自己预计此次选举将势均力敌。She tried to explain, but he interrupted her in mid-sentence.她试图去解释,但他却在她话说一半时就打断了她。




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