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例句 I can think of lots of people who got worse grades than you and still have good jobs. Take Julie.我可以说出许多成绩比你差,但仍找到好工作的人,比如说朱莉。She may be 80, but she's still lively.她也许有八十岁了,但仍精力充沛。He can't pay the rent, but he still doesn't want to ask his parents for money.他付不出房租,但仍不想向父母要钱。Although he plays music at night, he hasn't been able to give up his day job. 尽管他晚上演奏音乐,但仍不足以使他放弃白天的固定工作。Despite the unit's compact dimensions, there's still plenty of room for expansion.虽然这个单元的面积不大,但仍有很大的扩展空间。The injured man is unconscious but still alive.受伤的人不省人事但仍活著。Lena graduated from college six months ago and she's still looking for work.莉娜大学毕业已六个月,但仍在找工作。The information is slightly out-of-date, but it could still be of some use.这项资料有点过时,但仍有些用处。The clay is solid but malleable.黏土虽然质地坚实,但仍具有延展性。Knapp heard him out patiently but still refused to change his mind.纳普耐心地听他把话说完,但仍不肯改变主意。We kept trying without success. 我们不断尝试,但仍没有成功。Police have spent weeks dredging the lake but have not found his body.警察已经花了数周对湖底清淤,但仍未发现他的尸体。Although retired, he remains the titular chairman of the company.他虽然退休了,但仍是公司的名誉主席。Two crew members survived, but two are still missing.两名机组人员生还,但仍有两人下落不明。Parts of the road had been washed away by streams, but it was negotiable.部分路段已被河水冲毁,但仍可通过。The new traffic system worked up to a point, but it had its problems.新的交通方案实行起来还相当有效,但仍有些问题。He tries to help people with problems, but firmly believes they should do more to help themselves.他尽力帮助有困难的人,但仍坚信他们应该更加努力自救。Despite her handicap, Jane is able to hold down a full-time job.简虽然身有残疾,但仍能保住一份全职工作。This house holds up well despite its age.这幢房子虽老,但仍完好地矗立着。She gave her all in the last race, but it wasn't quite good enough to win.她在最后一场比赛中尽了最大的努力,但仍未能获胜。Despite all of our planning, we can't insure against bad weather.尽管我们计划周全,但仍无法确保不会遇上恶劣天气。She promised to abstain but practised this vice secretly.她答应戒绝这种恶习,但仍偷偷乐此不疲。It makes them feel productive even if it is not a paying job.尽管这是一份无偿的工作,但仍让他们觉得自己颇有成就。Tom looked tired but still managed a smile.汤姆看上去很累,但仍勉强笑了一下。We've made good progress, but there's still a large amount of work to be done.我们已经取得了一些进展,但仍有大量的工作要做。The company has struggled recently, but the fact is that they are still making a profit.这家公司最近经营困难,但仍在赢利,这确实是事实。He was disappointed by the results of the election, but tried to put the best face on the situation by saying he had come closer to winning than people expected.他对选举结果感到失望,但仍试图掩饰处境,称自己的表现比人们所预期的要好。The project has been given funding for another year, but it's not out of the woods yet.这个项目又获得了一年的资金,但仍未摆脱困境。The jurors kept thrashing over the evidence without being able to reach a verdict.陪审员们对证据作了反复研究但仍不能作出裁决。The program suffers from some minor bugs, but is still better than the first version.这个程序有些小错误,但仍比第一个版本要好。The pains in his head had subsided, but he still felt dizzy and sick.他的头痛逐渐减轻,但仍感到眩晕和恶心。He ended up as a reserve, but still qualified for a team gold medal.他最后成了替补队员,但仍有资格获得团体金牌。The seriously wounded soldier was speechless but still sensible.那个受了重伤的士兵不能说话但仍有知觉。Although he was ill, he worked hard.他虽然生病,但仍努力工作。Sue was coming around, but she still felt dizzy.她渐渐醒过来了,但仍觉得头晕。There are many who have suffered personal disasters but managed to rebuild their lives.有许多人遭受过个人不幸,但仍重建了自己的生活。In his great age he could still wield his axe mightily.尽管他年事已高,但仍能有力地挥动斧头。It is a tragic story, but there is a shadow of hope.那是一个悲剧故事,但仍有一丝希望。Although he made his remark in jest, the underlying jab was felt.尽管他的话是开开玩笑,但仍可感到话里带的刺。They have plenty of money now, but they still tend to be thrifty.他们现在很有钱,但仍很节俭。




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