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词汇 伸手
例句 She reached in her pocket and pulled out her phone.伸手进口袋把手机拿了出来。With one scoop, he gathered up all the clothes on the floor.伸手一搂就把地板上的衣服都搂起来了。I reached into my pocket for a cigarette.伸手到口袋去拿支香烟。He reached out and caught hold of my sleeve.伸手揪住了我的袖子。He grabbed for the ball and missed.伸手接球,却失手了。Alan stretched out his hand and flicked the letter away.艾伦伸手把信扫到了一边。When she looked as though she was going to fall, Eddie's arm immediately went out to steady her.她看上去似乎要跌倒时,埃迪立刻伸手扶住她。She stretched down and picked up the book.伸手捡起那本书。As he fell over he grabbed at the table for support.他摔倒的时候伸手抓住桌子作支撑。He dived out of the way, reaching for his gun.他迅速闪开,伸手去掏枪。She reached across the table to shake his hand.她隔着桌子伸手同他握手。He reached the chair and steadied himself.伸手抓住椅子让自己站稳。I reached for tab and he let me, without a perfunctory struggle.伸手去接账单,他就让我付,居然也不敷衍地争抢一下。He put forth his hand to his former opponent in token of goodwill.伸手给昔日的对手表示友好。He had reached over to turn round a bottle of champagne so that the label didn't show.伸手把香槟转了一下,这样它的商标就不会露出来。Feeling herself fall, she clutched at a branch.觉得自己要掉下去了,她伸手抓住了一根树枝。He dived and caught the ball at full stretch.他一个鱼跃伸手把球接住。Some even reached out to touch his travel-stained clothes, to assure themselves that he was real.一些人甚至伸手去摸他那因四处奔波弄得脏兮兮的衣服,目的是要确定真的是他。He reached over and retrieved his jacket from the back seat.伸手从后座上取回了自己的夹克。He caught her troubled expression, and put an arm around her shoulders.他看见她表情苦恼,便伸手搂住她的肩。He reached for the handbrake and eased it off.伸手抓住手闸然后慢慢松开。He spent his life grumbling about missed opportunities and sponging on his father for money.他一辈子都在抱怨失去的机会,并一直伸手向自己的父亲要钱。She dove into her purse to find some change.她急忙伸手到手提包里找零钱。He rose and proffered a silver box full of cigarettes.他站起身,伸手递过一个装满香烟的银盒子。He reached for her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.伸手去握紧她的手,让她安心。She crouched down and reached out to the little boy.她蹲下身伸手去抱那个小男孩。She looked at me and then reached in her purse for cigarettes.她看看我,接着伸手去包里拿香烟。Her mother groped for the back of the chair, her eyes blind with tears.她妈妈泪眼蒙眬地伸手去摸椅背。He caught at the ball but missed it.伸手去接球,但没有接住。Eventually I turned to an organization that helps people with drug and alcohol problems.最后我向一家机构伸手求援,他们专为有吸毒和酗酒问题的人提供帮助。I grabbed at the boy's collar as he ran past.那男孩跑过我身边时,我伸手抓住了他的衣领。Reaching into her pocket, she brought out a cigarette.伸手从兜里掏出来一支烟。She reached into the wardrobe and extracted another tracksuit.伸手又从衣橱里取出一件运动服。She put her hand under the seat and felt around, but couldn't find anything.伸手到座位底下摸了摸,但什么也没有找到。I reached inside my purse and handed him a ten.伸手从钱包里拿出一张十元钞票给他。He reached out gingerly to touch it.他小心翼翼地伸手去摸它。Her hand moved to cover his.伸手放到他的手上。The policeman reached down and petted the wolfhound.警察伸手抚摸那只猎狼犬。He reached up to loosen the scarf around his neck.伸手松了松脖子上的围巾。She reached blindly for the light switch.伸手去摸索电灯开关。




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