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词汇 会派
例句 I'll send a courier with the blueprints.会派人把设计图送达。If he can't go himself, he'll send one of his flunkies.如果他不能亲自去,他会派个跑腿的去。A mission was sent to Africa by the Baptist Church.浸礼教会派了一个传教团去非洲。If I refused to go, they would send someone else in my place.如果我不去,他们会派其他人代替我的。You'd think they'd have the wit to send someone who could speak the language.你可能觉得他们会派一个会说该语言的人去。A hire car would come in useful.租一辆车会派得上用场。The Authority will provide a welfare worker to assist you.管理局会派一名福利工作者协助你。The electricity company will send an employee to read your meter.电力公司会派雇员去你那儿抄表。They will first send in trained nurses to evaluate the needs of the individual situation.他们首先会派一些训练有素的护士来评估每个病人的需求。He would send some men to find Steven and sort him out.会派一些人去找到史蒂文并教训他一番。The Authority will provide a welfare worker to assist you.当局会派一名义工来帮助你。Your lender will then send their own surveyor to value the property.然后贷款方会派他们自己的评估员来对房产进行估价。The gas company said they would send some men to fix the leak.煤气公司说会派人来解决泄漏问题。They would send in troops if the situation got worse.如果局势恶化,他们会派军队来。He said he'd be sending the report over by courier.他说他会派信使把报告送来。A tent with an awning is great if the weather turns bad.如果天气变坏,带篷的帐篷就会派上很大用场。A nurse will be assigned to look after you.会派一名护士照顾你。As a member of an elite army hit squad, the army would send us out to do their dirty work for them.作为特工小分队的一员,部队总会派我们去做他们不愿做的事。The military may be sent in to deal with the riots.有可能会派军队去平定暴乱。




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