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词汇 会死
例句 He will die, but his fame will live on after him.会死,但他的名声将永不磨灭。He had an unshakable premonition that he would die.他有一种强烈的预感,觉得自己会死Acanthus live virtually for ever, although they may become tired and mildewed.尽管老鼠簕有时会长势不好、得霉病,但它们永远不会死I was so sick that I felt like I might kick off at any time.我很难受,感觉好像随时会死掉。Remember that you are mortal.记住人总是会死的。They have sung him and he will die.他们已经对他念下咒语,他会死的。The fortune teller had predicted the death of someone close to him.算命先生预言过某位和他亲近的人会死亡。It is claimed that Ebba prophesied her own death from the plague.据称埃巴预言自己会死于鼠疫。Unless an antidote is given immediately the patient could die.除非马上服用解毒药,否则病人会死的。Her father's death reminded her that she was mortal.父亲的去世让她认识到终有一天她也会死去。I started obsessing that Trish might die.我开始心神不宁,想着特里希可能会死The plan has a hitch: drilling holes for the owls in the trees will kill the trees.该计划有个障碍:为猫头鹰在树上钻洞,树会死掉的。He knew that under the surgeon's knife he would surely die.他知道他必定会死在外科医生刀下。After mating the male bees will die.雄蜂交配之后会死去。We humans are the only animals who are burdened with the knowledge that we're going to die.人类是唯一因为知道自己会死而烦恼的动物。He was bound to meet a violent end one day.他终有一天会死于非命。His heart attack made him realize that he is mortal.心脏病发作使他意识到自己终究是会死的。Sadly, bamboo plants die after flowering.可惜的是,竹子开花后便会死的。For most people a heart attack is a forceful reminder that they are mortal.对多数人来说,心脏病发作会强烈地提醒他们终有一天自己会死去。I might as well be dead, for all you care.即便我或许会死,你也并不在意。Advances in medical science mean that people who would once have died of head injuries can now be saved.医学的进步意味着以前会死于颅脑损伤的人现在可以救活了。I was in constant apprehension lest he should die of apoplexy.我一直担心他会死于中风。




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