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This is going to last a day or two.这将会持续一两天时间。The kids are all very enthusiastic, but it won't last.孩子们热情都很高,不过不会持续太久。No one can say how much longer the strike will last.谁都说不准这次罢工还会持续多久。The main point is that it lasts a long time.关键是这会持续很长的时间。There was no knowing when the flood waters might recede with so much rain in the forecast.天气预报说会持续下雨,所以没法知道洪水什么时候会退。The impact of divorce on children can be long-lasting.离婚对于孩子的影响会持续很长时间。Hardly anyone had forecast that the drought would last so long.几乎没人预测到干旱会持续那么长时间。The psychological aftereffects of a tragedy like the Zeebrugge disaster can stay with the survivors for years.像泽布吕赫市的灾难事件给幸存者带来的心理影响将会持续许多年。He was on his own, but there was no knowing how long that would last.他全靠他自己,但没人知道这样的状况会持续多久。As to how long this war will last, it's an unanswerable question.至于这场战争会持续多久,没有人知道答案。The fever may run on for a few days, and then get better.热度可能会持续几天,然后好转。Several weeks of fall remain before winter begins.秋天还会持续几个星期,冬天就要来临。Prices will continue to slide unless production is reduced.如果不减产,价格会持续下滑。The recession lasted longer than anyone thought it would.这次经济萧条,谁也没有想到会持续这么久。How long this would continue was doubtful.这会持续多久,很难预料。The job losses will be spread over a long period.失业现象还会持续很长一段时期。You lived to tell the tale this time but who knows how far you can push your luck.你这次算是逃过了一劫,不过谁知道你的运气还会持续多久呢?Analysts fear the downturn will drag on into next year.分析人士担心这种下滑趋势会持续到明年。This state of affairs cannot continue for too long, if parliament is to recover.如果议会想要恢复常态的话,这种状态就不会持续太久。The good weather seems likely to continue.睛好天气似乎可能会持续几天。It's not certain how long the ceasefire will last.停火会持续多久尚不确定。The downward trend in home ownership is likely to continue.拥有房屋所有权者人数减少的趋势可能会持续。It will stay cold for the next few days.接下来几天天气会持续寒冷。The facility will continue the process of turning uranium ore into gas.这个设备会持续地将铀矿石转化成气体。Victims are left with emotional problems that can last for life.受害者心中留下了可能会持续一生的情感创伤。The economy looks set to sustain its growth into next year.看来经济的增长会持续到明年。The policies he has established will outlast his presidency.他制定的政策将会持续到他的总统任期结束之后。His rages rarely last more than a few minutes.他的狂怒一般只会持续几分钟。Experts say they expect price rises to be gradual but persistent.专家称,他们预计价格会持续缓慢上涨。It is reasonable to assume that the economy will continue to improve.认为经济会持续好转是有理由的。Peres said the military campaign would last as long as it took to secure the country's northern border.佩雷斯说这次军事行动将会持续很长时间,以保护国家北部边境的安全。 |