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词汇 会场
例句 Reporters were barred from the meeting. 记者不得进入会场Hordes of journalists jostled for position outside the conference hall.大群记者在会场外争抢位置。An atmosphere of optimism dominated the conference.乐观的气氛充满会场The restaurant fills a need for good healthful food and for a good place to meet.这家餐厅满足了人们对好的健康食品和约会场所的需要。Some of the strikers came barging into the meeting and demanded to speak with the directors.一些罢工者闯进会场要求和董事谈话。We gained admission to the conference by showing our press passes.我们出示记者通行证后获准进入会场There were a good many people at the meeting.会场上人山人海。Half the committee walked out on the chairman while he was still speaking.当主席还在讲话时,委员会的一半委员离开他退出了会场Councillors walked out of the meeting in protest.政务会委员退出会场以示抗议。Several dozen councillors walked out of the meeting in protest.几十名政务会委员愤然从会场退席以示抗议。I meant to leave earlier but I was waylaid on the way out of a meeting by my manager.我想早些离开,但在离开会场的路上被经理拦住了。She handed out name tags for people to wear at the conference.她把会场上佩戴的名牌分发给了与会者。Some of the protesters tried to gain entrance to the meeting.一些抗议者试图进入会场Have the Scottish contingent arrived at the meeting yet?苏格兰代表团抵达会场了吗? As he left the meeting, he was berated by angry demonstrators.他离开会场时遭到了愤怒的示威者责骂。She withdrew her amendment and left the meeting.她撤回了修正案,离开了会场I had to duck out of the meeting to take a phone call.我不得不离开会场去接一个电话。She spends the day rushing from one meeting to another.她成天在会场之间奔波。She called for order/called the meeting to order.她要求会场安静下来。There were as many jeers as cheers at the meeting.会场上有多少欢呼声就有多少嘲笑声。He raised the roof at the conference when he sang his own version of the socialist anthem, The Red Flag.他演唱自己改编的社会主义赞歌《红旗颂》时,声音穿透了会场的屋顶。They patched him into the conference call.他们将他连线到电话会议会场I was delegated to find a suitable conference venue.我受委托去找一个合适的会场At several points during the meeting, Adler threatened to walk out.会上阿德勒好几次威胁说要离开会场Various people whom we weren't expecting turned up at the meeting.形形色色让我们意想不到的人出现在了会场Many of the convention guests left after the keynote address.许多与会嘉宾在主旨发言后离开了会场Several people walked out of the meeting in protest.几个人从会场退席以示抗议。His ejection from the hall caused a riot.他被逐出会场,引起一场骚动。We are now looking for an alternative venue.我们正在找另一个会场A conference was planned, but finding a suitable venue proved difficult.已经拟定召开会议,但是要找到合适的会场却很困难。He had to leave the meeting early because he had to attend to some unfinished business. 他不得不提早离开会场,因为他还要处理些没办完的事情。The convention was packed with the Republican/Democratic faithful.大会会场挤满了共和党/民主党的支持者。When did she leave the meeting?她是什么时候离开会场的?Some delegates walked out in a show of protest.有几位代表退出会场以示抗议。A whole group of angry parents walked out of the meeting.全体家长气愤地离开了会场We found our way to the meeting place without difficulty.我们毫不费力地找到了去会场的路。She struggled to bring a semblance of order to the meeting.她尽力想使会场显得有些秩序。She was rushing around from meeting to meeting.她风风火火地从一个会场冲到另一个会场Concertgoers pushed through fencing outside the venue, causing havoc with security guards.音乐会听众冲破会场外面的围栏,让安保人员陷入混乱。He walked into the meeting like a lamb to the slaughter.他走进会场,对即将遭遇的危险一无所知。




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