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词汇 伎俩
例句 She tried many ploys to get the boy interested in her.她试过很多伎俩去赢取男孩的青睐。That was a low trick.那是卑鄙的伎俩The religious element of their election campaign was a cynical ploy.他们选举运动中的宗教元素是一种不择手段的伎俩He was utterly uncomplicated, lacking in artifice or pretence.他十分单纯,没有什么骗人的伎俩与伪装。He played a low trick.他玩弄卑鄙的伎俩The boss tried many ploys to get customers into the store.老板用尽各种伎俩引顾客上门。Brainwashing techniques include preventing the person from sleeping and depriving them of any human contact.对人进行洗脑的伎俩包括不让人睡觉,而且不让他们与任何人接触。She's always trying some kind of hustle on the street.她总是试图在街上耍点骗钱伎俩He tried using one of his pickup lines on her, but it didn't work.他试图用他惯用的搭讪伎俩去勾搭她,但没成功。I wished he had never played his bastardly tricks.我希望他不曾耍过他的卑鄙伎俩They make it look like you're getting a lot more than you really are. It's a sneaky trick.他们使你得到的看上去比实际多出许多。这是个见不得人的伎俩That's a scummy trick.那是一种卑鄙的伎俩It was just another dodge to get out of working.这只不过是逃避工作的又一个伎俩One official dismissed the ceasefire as a mere propaganda exercise.一名官员将停火斥为赤裸裸的宣传伎俩The president will need to use all her political guile to stay in power.这位总统要想继续掌权就要施展她全部政治手段和伎俩If you tell those folks the truth, they won't vote for you. But if you sucker them, they'll vote for you twice over.如果你告诉这些人实情,他们是不会选你的。但是如果你耍点儿伎俩,他们会不止一次推举你。Burrows denied that members of his election staff had been involved in dirty tricks.伯罗斯否认他的竞选班子中有成员牵涉到不诚实的伎俩里。Not telling the whole truth is one of the games that people play.不告诉别人全部真相是人们使用的伎俩之一。He's not really ill, it's just a ploy to make us feel sorry for him.他不是真的生病,这只是他博取我们同情的伎俩That was a dirty trick! 那是卑鄙的伎俩It's a ridiculous game of bluff and counterbluff.那是个虚张声势与反虚张声势的荒诞伎俩That's one of his favourite dodges for getting money from people.那是他向人要钱的惯用伎俩之一。She used her feminine wiles to entice him to give her the job.她使出女人的伎俩诱使他给了自己这份工作。He won at golf more by one-upmanship than by skill.他打高尔夫赢球靠的不是真本事,而是伎俩He relied on Machiavellian tactics to get elected.他凭着阴险狡诈的伎俩赢得了选举。I think it's a cynical ploy to rally public opinion.我认为争取公众舆论是一个恶毒伎俩Mercer won the election thanks to the manoeuvres of his son-in-law.幸亏其女婿使出几招伎俩,默瑟才赢得了这场选举。Breaking meetings up and harassing party members are just some of the tactics our opponents have used.扰乱会议秩序、骚扰党员等仅仅是我们的对手所采用的一部分伎俩His skillful one-upmanship won him the election.他那胜人一筹的伎俩为他赢得选举。They tried using their usual bag of tricks.他们试图使用那套惯用的伎俩That was a pretty low trick to play.那是一种很卑鄙的伎俩




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