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词汇 仿制品
例句 They rushed out 1,000 cheap copies of the Queen's wedding dress.他们照著女王的结婚礼服赶制了一千件廉价仿制品Is that the real thing or a knock-off?那是真品还是仿制品The real diamonds are in a museum. These are just imitations.真的钻石在博物馆里,这些只是仿制品Even a expert would find it hard to distinguish between the original painting and the copy.甚至专家也难以辨认出原画作与仿制品The gun was found to be an imitation.那支枪被发现是仿制品It's an original, not one of those imitation jobs.这是原件,不是仿制品Don't fall for cheap imitations; this is the genuine article.别上廉价仿制品的当,这个才是真品。Don't resort to cheap copies; save up for the real thing.别买劣质的仿制品,省下钱来买真货。The necklace was a cheap imitation, but she was obviously very proud of it.那条项链是廉价的仿制品,但她显然非常以此为傲。It is a cheap copy of a designer dress.这是件名牌女装的廉价仿制品This chair is a copy of an original design.这把椅子是原创设计的仿制品They are mere imitations of existing products.那些不过是现有产品的仿制品而已。Unlike many of its imitators, it is completely waterproof.与很多仿制品不同,这是完全防水的。The store is rushing out imitations of top fashions.这家商店正在赶制顶级时装的仿制品The vase is an imitation of the one in the museum.这只花瓶是博物馆那只的仿制品It's not a genuine Tudor table, but it's a good copy.这不是真正的都铎时期的桌子,但却是很逼真的仿制品The device is not a real bomb but a dummy.这颗炸弹不是真的,只是一个仿制品The store sells a range of reproduction furniture in Colonial style.该商店出售殖民地时期式样家具的一系列仿制品Clothing manufacturers took ideas from Paris and made cheap copies.服装生产商们借用巴黎的点子生产廉价仿制品The dress had a designer label, but I couldn't tell if it was the real McCoy or a cheap imitation.这连衣裙上有品牌商标,但我说不清它是真货还是廉价仿制品All the local beers were piss-poor imitations.当地生产的啤酒都是低劣的仿制品During practice runs, the warheads in the missiles will be dummies.在演习中使用的导弹弹头将是仿制品




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