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They allowed the garden to become overgrown with weeds.他们任凭花园杂草丛生。She left the water running and flooded the kitchen.她任凭水直流,弄得厨房里一片泽国。I'm not going to just roll over and let them do what they want.我不会束手就擒,任凭他们为所欲为。I was surprised to see that she had allowed herself to become so fat. 看到她任凭自己变得这么胖,我很惊讶。The typical peasant farmer has a precarious existence, at the mercy of flood, disease and famine.典型的农民过着不安定的生活,要任凭洪水、疾病和饥荒的摆布。Once in prison, inmates are at the guards’ mercy.一旦入狱,囚犯就任凭狱吏摆布了。The government has just stood on the sidelines up to now and let the situation get worse.迄今为止政府仅仅是置身局外,任凭事态恶化。You can tell her to clean her room until you are blue in the face, but she won't do it.任凭你磨破嘴皮叫她打扫自己的房间,她也不会去做的。She hung on as the freezing, rushing water cascaded past her.她抓得紧紧的,任凭冰冷湍急的水流从她身上倾泻而下。He would allow her to ruffle his coat.他会任凭她弄皱他的外套。He had let the farm go to ruin.他任凭农场败落下去。They allow their children to run wild.他们任凭孩子撒野。This leaves the individual at the mercy of officialdom.这使得个人任凭官方摆布。She was at the mercy of her cruel husband.她任凭残酷的丈夫摆布。Mother gives the children free rein.母亲任凭孩子们自由发展。Ordinary people are at the mercy of faceless bureaucrats.普通人的命运任凭那些平庸刻板的官僚们摆布。We were left to the tender mercies of the local police.我们任凭当地警察摆布。If you don't have someone at the door, any Tom, Dick or Harry could turn up at the party and walk straight in.聚会上要不派个人在门口看着,任凭谁都可以闯进来。 |