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例句 She knew she had cancer, but she didn't tell anyone.她知道自己得了癌症,但没有告诉任何人I told him that I wasn't going to be a punching bag for anyone.我告诉他我不会成为任何人的出气筒。Don't utter a word about this to anyone.不要向任何人透露此事。The contract forbids employees to divulge details of this work to anyone outside the company.合同上禁止雇员把这项工作的细节泄露给公司外的任何人I've never harmed a soul in my life.我一生中从未伤害过任何人Anyone who has a legitimate grievance against the company can take it to the arbitration committee.任何人只要有充分的理由投诉该公司,均可交仲裁委员会处理。I hope I'm not treading on anyone's corns by mentioning this.我希望提起此事不会冒犯任何人The private wanted to show the sergeant that he was as much a man as anybody.列兵要向军士长显示他和任何人一样,也是一条好汉。 It was enough to drive anybody to drink.这足以让任何人为之借酒浇愁了。I wouldn't wish that terrible illness on anyone. 我不想让任何人得那种可怕的病。Anyone in her place would have done the same thing.任何人处在她的境地都会这样做。This was her moment of glory, and she wasn't going to let anyone spoil it.这是她光荣的一刻,她不想让任何人来破坏兴致。He won't take anything from anyone. 他不允许任何人对他不敬。He used to lock himself in his bedroom for hours on end and refuse to talk to anyone.他过去常把自己锁在卧室里一呆就是几个小时,不跟任何人说话。I don't want to be a nuisance to anyone.我不想让任何人觉得我讨厌。We never heard anyone say an unkind word about her.我们从未听过任何人说过她的坏话。No correspondence will be entered into.将不会和任何人建立通信联系。You needn't worry - I'm not going to mention it to anyone.你不用担心——我不会向任何人提起这件事的。She never told anyone about her secret longings.她从未向任何人讲过她内心深处的渴望。He told no one his deep, dark secret.他没有告诉任何人深藏在他内心的阴谋。This drink contains no artificial flavourings or preservatives.这种饮料不含任何人工香料或防腐剂。I promise I won't tell a soul.我保证不会告诉任何人I don't need anyone to hold my hand.我不需要任何人的精神安慰。He tackled the knotty problem without recourse to any help.他不依靠任何人的帮助而独立处理这一难题。Most strikingly, the amount consumers spent in the shops grew much more quickly than anyone expected.最惊人的是,消费者的购物支出的增长速度远远超过了任何人的预期。Other than Derek, she never discussed it with anyone.除了德里克,她从未和任何人讨论过这件事。They took care of a ten-room house without help.他们没请任何人帮忙,自己打理着一栋十居室的房子。It takes in anybody regardless of religion, colour, or creed.任何人,不论宗教、肤色或信仰,都可以加入。We have no wish to offend anybody.我们根本不想得罪任何人I was set to shut out anyone else who came knocking.其他任何人来敲门,我都决意将其拒之门外。He impressed no one by his bluster.他的大话没有给任何人留下印象。I won't have anyone smoking in here.我不容许任何人在这里抽烟。He would never knowingly hurt anyone.他从不存心伤害任何人He repudiated all offers of friendship.他拒绝任何人给他的友谊。I don't carry anybody's flag. I just tell it like it is.我不替任何人效劳,我只如实地谈这件事的情况。Our instructions specify that we tell no one about this.我们得到的指示明确规定我们不可把此事告诉任何人I've got as much respect for the cloth as the next man.我和任何人一样都对神父充满敬意。Those are sterling qualities to be admired in anyone.那些是在任何人身上都值得敬佩的优秀品质。We dislike to have anyone patronize us.我们不喜欢任何人对我们以恩人自居。We are under orders not to allow anyone into the building.我们接到命令不许任何人进入该大楼。




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