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词汇 任何事情
例句 I cannot rule anything out and I cannot rule anything in.我不能排除任何事情,也不能确定任何事情In my lifetime I've experienced enough whammies. So, nothing surprises me anymore.在我的一生中,我已经经历了足够的晦气。所以,发生任何事情都不会让我惊讶。You're so negative about everything!你对任何事情都如此消极!There's no point trying to discuss anything with him if all he's going to do is snap your head off.如果他只会怒气冲冲地呵斥你,就没必要和他讨论任何事情She's always so laid-back about everything.她对待任何事情总是如此从容自在。He delights in complicating everything.他喜欢把任何事情都搞复杂。Whatever we do should administer to the needs of the many.我们做任何事情都应该为了多数人的需要。Before we do anything else, we must sit down and make a list.在我们做其他任何事情之前,我们必须先坐下来列出一份清单。But you promised not to do anything without asking me first.可是你答应过做任何事情之前先问我的。Frank and Alison disagree about everything.弗兰克和艾莉森在任何事情上都意见不一。Everything he did was at white heat and lightning speed.他做任何事情都是风风火火的。In a situation like this, anything could happen.在这种情况下,任何事情都可能发生。I learned an important lesson when I lost my job, namely that nothing is a hundred percent guaranteed.我丢掉工作时得到了一个重要的教训,即没有任何事情是百分之百有保障的。Franklin was free to do pretty much whatever he pleased.富兰克林几乎可以做自己喜欢做的任何事情There's no need to do anything for the while.这段时间不需要做任何事情Everything is negotiable at this stage - I'm ruling nothing out.这个阶段任何事情都是可以协商的——我不排除任何可能性。She could have made the sandwich herself; her mum needn't have bothered to do anything.她本来可以自己做三明治的;她妈妈原本不必费心做任何事情She really loves those kids – she'd do anything for them.她确实爱那些孩子,她会为他们做任何事情。I've always found him clued-up on whatever he was talking about.我一直都觉得他对自己谈论的任何事情都了如指掌。Nothing can go straight to a subject .任何事情都不能单刀直入。We seem to live in a state of free-floating anxiety that can attach itself to anything.我们好像生活在游动性焦虑状态中,任何事情都能引起我们的焦虑。He does everything in moderation.他做任何事情都很有节制。If relations between Hanoi and Washington begin to normalise, anything is possible.如果河内和华盛顿之间的关系开始恢复正常,任何事情都有可能。Parents' concern for their children's future often overrides all their other concerns.父母对子女未来的考虑往往重于他们对其他任何事情的关心。I got there early so I wouldn't miss a thing.我很早就到了那里,所以我不会错过任何事情It's difficult for me to be casual about anything.我对任何事情都很难做到满不在乎。He would try anything to make her even the smallest degree happier.为了使她哪怕比现在高兴一丁点儿,他愿意做任何事情She never let anything come between her and her work.她从来都不让任何事情妨碍她的工作。He is such good fun – always game for anything.他很有趣,总是敢于尝试任何事情We didn't talk about anything much.任何事情我们都没有深谈。With Hollywood at his feet, Soderbergh was free to do whatever he wanted.好莱坞已彻底被索德伯格征服,因此他可以随心所欲做任何事情They were game for anything. = They were game to try anything.他们愿意尝试任何事情The guards were equal to anything.这些卫兵能够应对任何事情He is a politician who has always adhered closely to the party line on just about everything. 他是一名政治家,在任何事情上都始终坚持他所属政党的路线。In these situations, your family comes before everything else.在这些情况下,你的家庭比任何事情都更重要。The prison governor now has all-embracing powers to deal with any situation in the way he thinks fit.狱长现在有全权,可以以他认为合适的方法去处理任何事情In her inebriated state, she was ready to agree to anything.她喝醉时任何事情都会答应的。I don't believe anything he tells me. It beats me how people can continue to trust him.我不相信他跟我说的任何事情,真不知道别人怎么还会相信他。She radiates an infectious enthusiasm for everything she does.她做任何事情都充满一种极富感染力的热情。There is nothing to which she wouldn't stoop to get money for drugs.为了能有钱买毒品,她愿意作践自己做任何事情




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