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例句 It's a very simple test – any fool could pass it.这是非常简单的测试,任何一个笨蛋都能通过。Anyone who teaches my children must be a saint.任何一个教我孩子的人都必须是慈爱且有耐心的人。The mountains are studded with dams, any one of which could wreak destruction in the valley below.山区到处都是大坝,其中任何一个都可能给下面的山谷带来灭顶之灾。The government supporters are beating up anyone they suspect of favouring the demonstrators.政府的支持者痛打任何一个被他们怀疑支持示威者的人。The test of any civilised society is how it treats its minorities.如何对待少数群体,这是对任何一个文明社会的考验。Parting from any one of you for even a short time is hard.离开你们中任何一个人哪怕只是一小段时间都舍不得。Any country,let us say Sweden,might do the same.任何一个国家,比如说瑞典吧,可能也会这么做的。Any normal boy of his age would be interested in football.任何一个正常的男孩在这个年龄都会对足球感兴趣。Any competent computer buff should be able to do it for you in a few minutes.任何一个有点儿水平的电脑行家都能在几分钟内为你解决这个问题。The thumb can be opposed to any of the fingers.大拇指可以和任何一个手指相对。This attractive book is an ideal gift for any young baseball fan.任何一个年轻的棒球迷来说,这本漂亮的书都是一份理想的礼物。Let us suppose that we could live anywhere we want.让我们假设我们可以住在任何一个我们想住的地方。The job was too much for any single manager to cope with.任何一个经理单枪匹马的话都应付不了这份工作。Anyone from the houses across the road could see him.马路对面房子里的任何一个人都能看见他。This picture would be the prize of any museum's collection.这幅画在任何一个博物馆的藏品中都将是珍品。He refuses to compromise any of his ideals.他不肯放弃任何一个为之奋斗的目标。Britain dumps more of its waste than any other European country.英国掩埋的垃圾比任何一个欧洲国家都要多。Climate has a great effect on the types of plants found in any given area.气候对于任何一个特定地区的植物种类都有很大影响。Students may pursue research in any aspect of computational linguistics.学生可以就计算语言学的任何一个方面展开研究。Any teacher worth his salt should know how to make his lessons interesting and rewarding.任何一个称职的教师都应该知道如何把课上得既生动又有益处。Any water-skiing enthusiast can knock up a pair of skis in a few hours.任何一个滑水爱好者都能在几小时内做成一副滑水橇。This story has many ingredients which make any news editor froth at the mouth with excitement.这篇报道包含了众多元素,任何一个新闻编辑都会激动得嘴上唾沫横飞。It is necessary that a whole be greater than any of its parts.整体势必大于任何一个部分。He thinks he can have any woman he wants.他认为他可以跟任何一个他想要的女人发生性关系。When we left on Monday, she hoped never more to set eyes on either of us.我们星期一离开时,她希望永远不再见到我们两人中的任何一个I am not completely at home in any Protestant Church.我在任何一个新教教会都不是特别自在。No just government would allow this kind of treatment of its own citizens.任何一个公正的政府都不会允许自己的公民受到如此对待。Talking calmly to a screaming child sounds like a good idea, but any parent will tell you it's easier said than done.对尖声叫喊的小孩要平心静气地讲话听起来像是个好主意,但任何一个做父母的都会告诉你这事是说来容易做来难。China and India will soon have far larger numbers of netizens than any Western nation.中国和印度的网民数量不久将远远超过任何一个西方国家。He argues very strongly that none of us has the right to sit in judgment.他激烈地争辩说,我们中任何一个人都无权进行审判。There is not a woman in all the world but would prefer death to such a nuptial.世上任何一个女人宁死也不愿接受这样的婚礼。Parents should not show preference for any one of their children.父母不应流露出对任何一个孩子的偏心。I don't think anyone in full possession of their senses would agree with you.我认为任何一个神智清醒的人都不会赞同你。In any faith community there are varying levels of commitment.任何一个宗教团体内都有各种各样的虔诚程度。The police did not have enough evidence to charge anybody with the murder.警方没有足够的证据以谋杀罪的罪名控告任何一个人。Don't let any of the kids wander off.不要让任何一个小孩走开去。It is through risk-taking that any businessman earns his daily bread.任何一个商人挣得其生活所需都是要承担一定风险的。The government has not verified any of those reports.政府还没有证实那些报告中的任何一个These myriads of fish would be enough to keep any swimmer entranced for hours.这些不同种类的鱼足以让任何一个游泳者数小时流连忘返。It's hard for any government to sell new taxes to the electorate.任何一个政府要让选民接受新的税项都很困难。




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