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词汇 价钱
例句 Old-fashioned ceiling fans have been making a comeback as a cheap and reliable alternative to air conditioning.老式的吊扇又流行了起来,它价钱廉宜、性能可靠,是空调之外的另一种选择。I thought that nothing comes free: everything has its price.我觉得没什么是免费的:所有东西都有价钱Plainer examples of the early period do not fetch anything like these sums.早期更为普通的样本卖不到这种价钱For many software packages, the price bears little relation to cost.对于很多软件包来说,价钱和成本没有什么联系。They made an offer on our house. 他们给我们的房子出了个价钱It seemed a pennyworth at that price.照那个价钱好像还算便宜。The food here is just as good but not as expensive.这里的食物不比那里的差,但价钱却更便宜。At that price, you want to make sure you get your money's worth.价钱那么贵,你要确保自己的钱花得值。I'll buy the car if the price is right.如果价钱合理,我就买下这辆车。They stood out for a better price.他们坚持要个更好的价钱These prices have been laid down by the manufacturers.这些价钱已由制造商们确定。Can you suggest an inexpensive restaurant?你能给我们介绍一家价钱公道的饭店吗?It costs something like five dollars. 价钱大约五美元。He smoked more expensive cigarettes than he could afford.他抽的香烟其价钱之贵是他买不起的。It's rather cheap at this price.这东西卖这个价钱是相当便宜的。Electrical retailers will often take away old appliances if you buy a new one, sometimes in part exchange.买新电器时,电器经销商往往会拿走旧电器,有时会以旧换新抵些价钱It had no floor, no windows, no road but, on the credit side, the price was right, the roof was good.它没有地板,没有窗户,也没有道路可达;但从好的方面看,价钱很合适,屋顶也不错。If he's willing to argue about the price, then he must want to do a deal.如果他愿意谈价钱,那么他是想做成这笔生意的。This is the standard model - then there's the deluxe version which costs more.这是普通版,另外还有价钱比较贵的豪华版。Small houses are very expensive there, but in Ireland they are two a penny.小住宅在那里价钱昂贵,而在爱尔兰却相当便宜。Oranges sell at a high price this year.今年橘子价钱很贵。I don't know if we can afford it. I have to look at the numbers.我不知道我们是否买得起。我得看看价钱When will you set price upon it?你们什么时候可以定出价钱He wouldn't scruple to charge you double its value if he thought you'd pay.如果他认为你肯付的话,他会毫无顾忌地向你索要双倍价钱The computer was superior to other models, but it was prohibitively expensive.这台电脑比其他型号都好,只是价钱贵得吓人。But getting back to what the real estate agent said, do you think we could get more for the house if we had it painted first?现在回到房产经纪人说的话,你说我们要是先把房子粉刷一下,价钱就能卖得更高吗?When will you set price on it?你们什么时候可以定出价钱I'm buying the book, regardless of the cost.我打算买下那本书,不管什么价钱We've gotten a couple of nibbles on our house , but nobody has made a serious offer for it yet.一些人对买我们的房子有兴趣,但还没有一个真谈价钱的。Name your conditions/terms/price.开出你的条件/条款/价钱Don't worry about the price - this meal's on me.别管价钱—这顿饭我请客。Ordinarily I wouldn't pay that sort of price for a picture.一般情况下我不会为一幅画付那种价钱She scanned the menu outside the restaurant, but decided it looked too expensive.她粗略地看了一下餐厅外面的菜单,觉得价钱看起来太贵了。He turned nasty when he heard the price.他听到这种价钱大为光火。It's difficult to choose which appliance to buy, but in the end it usually boils down to cost.很难决定买哪种工具,但最终通常取决于价钱These machines are in the higher price bracket.这些机器属于价钱比较高的档次。No, you can't have an ice-cream - they're too dear.不行,你不能吃冰淇淋—一价钱太贵了。It seemed an absurdly high sum to pay for a coat.买件外套这个价钱好像高得离谱了。The house didn't fetch as much as she was hoping it would.房子没有卖到她期望的那个价钱Many restaurants do a very reasonable set menu at lunchtime.许多餐馆中午都提供价钱合理的套餐。




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