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词汇 价格下跌
例句 The recession has caused prices to fall and wines are on sale at unheard-of prices.经济不景气致使价格下跌,葡萄酒开始以前所未有的价格开售。The drop in prices and lack of demand are certain to affect the manufacturing industry.价格下跌以及需求少肯定会影响制造业。Increased competition has caused prices to drop. 日益激烈的竞争导致价格下跌The rise in profits was achieved against a backdrop of falling stockmarket prices.利润的增长是在股票市场价格下跌的背景下取得的。Rising demand tends to push prices up, and falling demand pushes them down.需求增加往往促使价格上涨,而需求减少促使价格下跌Companies that deal in oil should prepare themselves for a price drop.做石油生意的公司应对价格下跌及早做好准备。The investors lost heavily when the stock market declined.股市价格下跌时,投资者损失惨重。Buyers have been holding off until the price falls.买家们一直按兵不动,等待价格下跌The oil glut has forced price cuts.石油供应过剩迫使价格下跌Price falls have at least decelerated as demand has heightened.由于需求增加,价格下跌至少会放慢速度。The south of England, where prices have fallen furthest, will remain the weakest market.价格下跌得最厉害的英格兰南部仍将是最疲软的市场。The profits rise was achieved against a backdrop of falling metal prices.在金属价格下跌的背景下,利润提高了。Strawberries flooded the market and prices dropped.草莓充斥市场,价格下跌The fall in property prices means that there are a lot of bargains waiting to be snapped up.房地产价格下跌意味着会有许多廉价的房屋可供抢购。The fall in prices dealt a devastating blow to the company.价格下跌给了公司重重一击。The view was that mortgage securities had been depressed by heavy sales by thrifts and were now attractive.这个观点认为,抵押证券曾因储蓄机构的高额销量而价格下跌,而今变得有吸引力了。Declining prices for aluminium have dragged down the company's earnings.铝的价格下跌使这家公司利润下降了。She unloaded a huge amount of stock when prices fell.价格下跌时,她抛售了大量股票。Competition will beat the price down.竞争会使价格下跌A glut of bonds on the market pushed prices down.市场上债券供应过剩使得价格下跌Farmers have faced the double whammy of a rising dollar and falling agricultural prices.美元升值加上农产品价格下跌对农民而言可谓是双重打击。




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