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词汇 以阻止
例句 He says his political enemies have been conducting a stealth campaign to block his nomination.他说他的政敌一直在暗地里策划一场活动,以阻止对他的提名。His lawyers have intensified their efforts to halt his execution.他的律师们加紧努力以阻止对他的处决。She tried to get a court order to prevent him from coming near her.她试图争取法庭命令以阻止他接近自己。They were acting to prevent the state from trespassing on family matters such as sex education.他们正采取行动以阻止国家干涉诸如性教育之类的家庭问题。At that time we had to make the assumption that the disease was spreading and take action to stop it.那时候我们不得不假定这种病在扩散,要采取行动加以阻止He interposed himself between them to stop them fighting.他插在他们之间以阻止其打架。The authorities have put tanks on the streets to discourage any protest.当局调动坦克上街以阻止抗议活动。Many parents find it hard to discourage bad behaviour.很多家长觉得难以阻止顽皮的行为。It's important to nip this problem in the bud.对这种问题一开始就加以阻止是很重要的。Ministers resigned en masse to forestall MPs going ahead with the vote.部长们集体辞职以阻止下院议员们投票。They applied the brake to stop the car sliding.他们踩刹车以阻止汽车打滑。The city's defenses were not strong enough to keep out the invaders.这座城市的防御工事不够坚固,难以阻止入侵者。Even if the optimists' theory is true, it still seems a thin argument against reform.就算乐观主义者的理论是对的,还是不足以阻止改革的进行。The fence is strategically sited to prevent anyone getting onto the beach.这个围栏的地点选择得很有策略,可以阻止任何人到海滩上。There is nothing to stop viewers recording the films on videotape.没有什么办法可以阻止观众用录像机把电影录下来。No one did anything to stop the purse snatcher.没有人对那个抢钱包的人采取任何行动加以阻止Soldiers intervened to prevent further bloodshed.军队介入以阻止进一步的流血事件。It seemed that nothing could prevent the impending disaster.似乎没有什么可以阻止这场迫在眉睫的灾难。In industry after industry, government bodies have erected bars to competition.政府机构在一个又一个行业中设置了障碍以阻止竞争。If I'd known about their plan I could have nipped it in the bud there and then.我要是早知道他们这个计划,当时就会立即加以阻止The army will have to intervene to prevent further fighting.军队将不得不干预以阻止进一步的战斗。She took out an injunction to prevent the press publishing the information.她拿到了禁制令,可以阻止媒体发布信息。They dug trenches to keep the forest fire from spreading.他们挖沟以阻止森林大火蔓延。The UN needs to become more interventionist to prevent human rights abuses and suffering.联合国应该更多地进行干涉以阻止对人权的践踏和苦难的发生。




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