例句 |
Roberts covered his tracks by throwing the knife in the river.罗伯茨把刀扔进河里以图掩盖痕迹。Hamilton's supporters later tried to get even with Jefferson by calling him an adulterer.汉密尔顿的支持者后来称杰斐逊为通奸者以图报复。The government tried to stabilize the economy by liquidating the national debt.政府清偿国债以图稳定经济。They hushed up the scandal in an effort to save face.他们掩盖了丑闻以图保全面子。The men had returned to wrest back power.这些人已经回来以图重新夺取权力。When I'm doing the cooking, we use all frozen stuff for convenience.我做饭的时候,我们全部都用速冻食品以图省事。 |