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词汇 令人费解
例句 Don't you think it's puzzling that no-one noticed them leave?你不认为没有人注意到他们离开是令人费解的吗?This whole business is very puzzling. There is a lot more to it than meets the eye.整件事非常令人费解,远比看起来复杂。Their intentions remained opaque.他们的意图仍然令人费解There has been the odd bureaucratic obstacle.令人费解的官僚主义障碍一向存在。It really is one of life's greatest mysteries why that awful restaurant is busy every night.那家很糟糕的餐厅每天晚上生意都很好,真令人费解The manual occasionally lapses into incomprehensible jargon.这本指南偶尔冒出些令人费解的行话。The annoying thing about the scheme is that it's confusing.这个计划让人恼火的是,它令人费解The legal system is not easily navigable. 这个法律体系令人费解If you pin people down, they will tell you some puzzling things about stress.如果非让他们说的话,人们会告诉你一些有关压力的令人费解的事情。Infinity in space is a mind-bending concept.宇宙空间无限大是个令人费解的概念。It's amazing how many people are afraid of spiders.这么多的人害怕蜘蛛真是令人费解Operating in secrecy, intelligence agencies are often seen as mysterious and unaccountable for their actions.由于行事秘密,情报机构在人们眼里往往显得很神秘,他们的行动也令人费解The instructions were bewilderingly complex.这些指令非常复杂,令人费解I find the whole political situation so confusing! 我发现整个政局如此令人费解The story is hopelessly confusing.情节实在令人费解It is something of an enigma how a man who could not bear to hurt a living thing could serve as defence secretary.一个不愿伤害生命的人怎么能够担任国防部长,这是有点令人费解的事。The fact that many people still do not understand this basic concept is both puzzling and troubling.很多人仍然不明白这基本的概念,这真令人费解和忧心。His answers were obscure and confusing.他的回答模糊不清,令人费解That was the most puzzling aspect of the whole affair.那是整件事情最令人费解的一面。To an ordinary person, the legal arguments were baffling.对于普通人来说,法律论据令人费解The origins of bull-riding, which serves no practical purpose, are murkier.骑牛赛没有实际意义,其起源比较令人费解It's puzzling that no-one saw her leave.令人费解的是没有人看见她离开。How had he escaped from prison without anyone's help? It was a mystery.没有别人的帮助他是怎样越狱的?真令人费解Jeremy's passive attitude was hard to fathom.杰里米的消极态度令人费解The deterioration of the ozone layer is a perplexing phenomenon.臭氧层遭破坏是一个令人费解的现象。Harry was curiously silent through all this.从头到尾哈里都一言不发,令人费解If you pin people down, they will tell you something puzzling about stress.如果非让他们说的话,人们会告诉你有关压力的令人费解之事。Their explanations only serve to obfuscate and confuse.他们的解释只能使问题更令人费解This report is a bodge stuffed full of incomprehensible jargon.这份报告一塌糊涂,充斥着令人费解的术语。People often find the medical language used by doctors confusing.人们经常觉得医生所用的医学用语令人费解The monetary and fiscal history of the Later Roman Empire remains an enigma.罗马帝国后期的货币财政史仍令人费解It's difficult to understand the judge's reasoning in this case.法官对这个案子的推论令人费解The results of the police enquiry were equivocal.警方的调查结果令人费解He began studying the murky waters of copyright law.他开始研究著作权法中令人费解的内容。He said no and seemed oddly reluctant to talk about it.他拒绝了,而且看起来不愿意谈论此事,这令人费解The question is a real puzzler.这个问题实在令人费解His films are confusing and have little coherence.他的影片令人费解,缺少连贯性。Teachers find the report's terminology so indefinite that it is confusing.老师们发现报告的专门用语不明确,令人费解




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