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例句 I admired her professionalism in dealing with the task.我羡慕她处理任务时的专业精神。I admired him as a true scientist and hard worker.我钦佩他是个真正的科学家和勤奋工作的人。I admired her level of political awareness.我欣赏她的政治意识的水平。His achievements, though hardly exciting, were widely admired.他的成就虽然算不上激动人心,但依然广受赞赏。He admired the stitching on the quilt.他很欣赏被子上的针法。I've always admired your curvaceous figure. How did you do it?我一直很羡慕你的曲线玲珑,你是怎么做到的? Ann admired his rugged good looks.安喜欢他那粗犷而英俊的容貌。He's admired for his fierce independence.他因极其独立而受人钦佩。I've always admired her work.我总是很钦佩她的工作。I admired his rugged features.我喜欢他那刚毅的相貌。I admired him for his tenacity and his courage in confronting problems that other people might avoid.我很钦佩他的不懈毅力,以及他面对别人可能会逃避的难题的勇气。She admired his tall, distinguished bearing.她欣赏他的高大挺拔、卓尔不群。They admired the tableau of the Nativity.他们欣赏着耶稣降生的场景造型。They were able to obtain the objets d'art they so admired.他们能够得到自己十分心仪的小工艺品。She admired her mother's sister for moving up the social ladder.她羡慕姨妈社会地位的提升。Following the example of Nixon, a politician he greatly admired, he decided to try to make himself more appealing to voters.他以自己十分崇拜的政治家尼克松为榜样,决定让自己对选民更具吸引力。He loved/worshipped/admired her from afar. 他默默地爱着/崇拜着/欣赏着她。He admired the movie for its stylistic felicities.他欣赏这部电影的悦人风格。She is admired for her sophistication and sense of style.她因深谙时尚而备受仰慕。She is admired for her energy and joie de vivre.她精力充沛、热爱生活,令人钦佩。We admired the superb craftsmanship of the furniture.这件家具工艺一流,令人称赏。The students were assigned to write a theme on the person they admired most.学生们要以自己最钦佩的人为主题写一篇作文。We admired the singer's artistry.我们很钦佩那个歌手的艺术才华。She said nothing, though she secretly admired his courage.尽管她暗地里很钦佩他的勇气,她还是什么也没说。He admired the perfect sit of her dress.他赞赏她穿的连衣裙非常合身。I admired the beauty of the landscape.我很欣赏这里的美景。The students admired the old professor's oracular wisdom.学生们非常崇拜老教授的大智慧。She admired the composition for its beauty and intricacy.她欣赏它美丽精致的结构。We admired the palace from a distance.我们从远处欣赏这座宫殿。I admired her enormously.我对她极其钦佩。At the time I admired his youthful enthusiasm.当时我很羡慕他那年轻人特有的热情。They all admired her taste.他们全都钦佩她的鉴赏力。Mel sat back on the couch and admired the view of the city.梅尔靠坐在沙发上,欣赏这城市的风景。She is admired for her many good works. 她因诸多善行倍受赞赏。He's admired for his frugality.他因节俭而受到赞赏。She admired the misty shoreline.她欣赏了薄雾笼罩下的海岸线。Isobel admired her father – she wanted to be just like him.伊索贝尔很崇拜她的父亲。她想成为和他一样的人。It was a courageous decision, and one that everybody admired.那是一个勇敢的决定,也是一个为所有人赞赏的决定。The company represented the antithesis of everything he admired.那家公司与他所崇尚的一切完全相反。She is admired for the generosity of her spirit. = She is admired for her generosity of spirit. 她因慷慨大度的精神而受到称赞。




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