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词汇 他俩
例句 I'm not surprised that they have such a happy marriage. I always knew that they were meant for each other.他们有如此幸福的婚姻我并不感到惊奇。我就知道他俩是天生的一对。They are both down-and-outs, sleeping under the city's oldest bridge.他俩都是无家可归的人,露宿在城市最古老的桥下。They have gone on a honeymoon.他俩去新婚旅行了。They got married! You're kidding!他俩结婚了!你开什么玩笑!It would upset them both to no purpose.那会莫名其妙地使他俩感到苦恼。Neither of them is telling the whole truth. Invariably, they keep something back.他俩谁也没把全部实情都说出来。他们总是要隐瞒些什么。They're a very nice couple, although I very seldom see them these days.他俩是非常般配的一对,但我近来很少见到他们。They revitalized their relationship and brought a new dimension of loving into their lives.他们恢复了关系,并且给他俩各自的生活带来了爱的新内容。They were caught in flagrante by Donna's husband.他俩被唐娜的丈夫捉奸在床。They enjoy each other's company.他俩很喜欢呆在一起。Linda knew that for both their sakes she must take drastic action.琳达知道,为了他俩,她必须断然行事。If any bad feelings existed between the two of them, I was not aware of it.假如他俩相互间有什么敌意,我也没察觉到。Not coincidentally, they were both graduates of the same college.他俩是同一所大学的毕业生,这并非巧合。It was a night of pleasant talk, the two of them exchanging reminiscences about the war.那一夜谈得很开心,他俩交流了对战争的回忆。They are still arguing, would you believe it?他俩还在争论不休,你能相信吗?Their affair is public knowledge.他俩的风流韵事已是尽人皆知。He woke to see their two heads clearly silhouetted against his window.他醒来时看到窗户上清晰地映出他俩脑袋的轮廓。They swore to love each other for evermore.他俩盟誓相爱终生。The outbreak of war put an end to their romance.战争的爆发结束了他俩的恋爱。Their ages were just right for a match.他俩的年龄结婚匹配正相宜。They bumped against each other and bent over double, convulsed with laughter.他俩撞在一起。两人弯着腰笑,笑得站不起来。He was wondering how to break it to Celeste that their relationship was over.他不知道怎样告诉西莉斯特他俩的关系已经完了。They were meant to drop back and help the midfield, but neither man is cut out for defending.他俩该回撤协助中场,但没一个是防守的料。They were a perfect combination - Anton as chef and Guy as restaurant manager.安东做厨师,盖伊做餐馆经理,他俩是对完美的搭档。They both decided that the matter be settled by a duel.他俩决定以决斗来解决这件事。The two met at a drunken party in college.他俩是在大学里的一次狂饮聚会上相识的。Their affair began with a game of footsie under a restaurant table.他俩的风流韵事从餐馆桌下的碰脚调情游戏开始。They walked home two abreast.他俩肩并肩地走回家去。There's an uncanny likeness between them.他俩出奇地相像。Both of them, I may say, are thoroughly decent men.可以说,他俩都是绝对正派的人。Susan and her fiance think of their letters as cords of love.苏珊和她未婚夫把他俩的来往书信看作爱情的纽带。Didn't you hear? They busted up. 你没听说?他俩分手了。Richard and Penny had made no great secret of their romance, even though they were both married.理查德和彭妮没有隐瞒他俩的罗曼史,尽管他们都是有配偶的。They lowered at each other without saying anything.他俩无言以待地互皱眉头。He looked them both over and nodded lightly.他朝他俩打量一番,微微一点头。Their marriage finally ended in divorce three years later.他俩的婚姻三年后终于以离婚告终。They've always seemed so incompatible - no wonder they're getting a divorce.他俩好像一直都合不来,难怪他们在闹离婚。I'm not surprised that they have such a happy marriage. I always knew that they were made for each other.他们婚姻如此幸福,我并不意外。我一直觉得他俩是天作之合。Everyone knows they hate each other, it's no secret.人人都知道他俩相互怨恨,这不是秘密。I asked her how Greg was, which was a bit of a faux pas considering they'd just split up.我问她格雷格最近好不好,这是不太得体的,因为他俩刚刚分了手。




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