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例句 What did you do with the gun you took from that little rat Turner?你是怎么处理从那个叫特纳的小叛徒手里得到的枪的?They made boatloads of money from that project.他们从那个项目中赚了大钱。The drought began with that exceptionally dry summer.旱灾是从那个雨水特别稀少的夏季开始的。Her diary entries for that month show how unhappy she was.从那个月记下的日记可以看出她是多么不开心。It was quite a shock to see my face on that screen!从那个屏幕上看到我的脸,真让人惊愕不已。Since that fateful day her life had not been worth living.从那个灾难性的日子以后,她的生活就失去了意义。Many archaeological relics were retrieved from the site.从那个遗址取回很多考古遗物。I am on to a story of smuggling outside that port.我知道从那个港口往外走私的内幕。Reporting from the area was difficult even before terrorists put all the telephone lines out of action.即使在恐怖分子把全部电话线破坏掉以前,从那个地区进行报道就已经很困难了。The lawyers, of course, take their cut of the little guy's winnings.律师们自然从那个小家伙赢得的钱中分到了他们的一份。The children sloshed through the big puddle.孩子们从那个大水洼中吧唧吧唧地走过去。The magician palmed the coin and suddenly produced it from the boy's ear.魔术师把硬币藏在手心,突然又从那个男孩的耳朵里拿了出来。The sound seemed to originate from outside the room.那声音似乎是从那个房间外传来的。He squeezed the bottle until a few drops came out.他用力从那个瓶子里挤出了几滴液体。We had to physically wrestle the child from the man's arms.我们只得用力把孩子从那个男子手中夺过来。From the way that boy drives, it's obvious that he has a death wish.从那个男孩开车的方式看,很明显,他想求死。After years of making movies, she suddenly vanished from the scene.搞了几年电影制作后,她突然从那个圈子里消失了。




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