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Legend has it that the Bridge of Sighs got its name from the cries of prisoners being led across it.传说叹息桥的名字源于囚犯过桥时发出的叹息声。The ship passed beneath the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco Bay.船从金门大桥下经过,进入圣弗朗西斯科湾。We got a breathtaking view of the Golden Gate Bridge.我们看到了金门大桥那令人惊叹的美景。The Lyric Theatre is presenting a new production of 'Over the Bridge'.利里克剧院正在上演新排的《桥对面》。Bridge construction has created a bottleneck on the southern part of Main Street.大桥施工使得主街的南段成为交通瓶颈。We will visit London Bridge, Westminster, not forgetting the Big Ben.我们将参观伦敦桥,西敏寺大教堂,还有大鹏钟。A daredevil parachutist jumped from the top of Tower Bridge today.一位大胆鲁莽的跳伞者今天从伦敦塔桥的桥顶跳了下去。Have you ever visited the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco?你观光过旧金山的金门大桥吗? The Golden Gate Bridge connects San Francisco with Marin County.金门大桥连接着圣弗朗西斯科和马林县。Bridge stole the money from clients' accounts.布里奇从客户的账户里偷了钱。The walk starts at Alnham, six miles west of Bridge of Aln.这次徒步从位于阿尔恩桥以西六英里的阿尔恩罕开始。An old tramp was sleeping under Waterloo Bridge, his coat wrapped tight to keep out the cold.一个年老的乞丐睡在滑铁卢大桥下面,他把外衣包得紧紧的,以抵御寒冷。The Golden Gate Bridge is a famous/familiar landmark in San Francisco.金门大桥是旧金山著名/为人所熟知的地标。The city miscalculated the cost of earthquake repairs for the Bay Bridge.该市对遭地震损坏的海湾大桥的修复费用计算有误。Two and two halves to London Bridge, please.买去伦敦桥的两张全票和两张半票。He is proving hot stuff at Bridge.事实会证明他是一个桥牌高手。Bridge repairs cannot be done without some inconvenience to the public.桥梁维修必定会给公众带来一些不便。It was a gingerly crossing over the Forth Bridge.小心翼翼地通过了福斯铁桥。It was named Waterloo Bridge, after the famous battle.它叫滑铁卢桥,以那场著名的战役命名。Their heads were impaled on Charles Bridge as a warning to others.他们的头颅被插在查尔斯桥上,作为对其他人的警告。We sailed under the Golden Gate Bridge.我们在金门大桥下航行。O'Connell Bridge in Dublin is famous for being broader than it is long.都柏林的奥康奈尔桥因其宽度大于长度而闻名。The two armies finally met on the battlefield at Stamford Bridge.两军最后在斯坦福桥遭遇。We stayed at the South Bridge Motor Inn.我们住在南桥汽车旅馆。Ashness Bridge is a popular beauty spot.阿什内斯桥是受人喜爱的风景胜地。A section of the Bay Bridge had collapsed.海湾大桥有一段垮塌了。Ahead, he saw the side railings of First Bridge over Crooked Brook.他看见了克鲁克德河上第一大桥的桥栏就在前面。In this course, we will cover the basics of Contract Bridge, including bidding, playing, and scorekeeping.在这一节课中,我们将涉及桥牌的基本知识,包括叫牌、打牌和记分。 |