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词汇 今天上午
例句 She had an ultrasound exam/examination this morning.今天上午做了超声波检查。The dollar held up well this morning but the pound sagged.今天上午美元坚挺,但英镑下跌了。The roads were fairly clear this morning.今天上午道路相当畅通。The boss gave me a real roasting this morning.今天上午老板狠狠训了我一顿。I had a nosebleed this morning.今天上午鼻子流血了。The boss read Jack a lesson this morning.今天上午老板把杰克训了一顿。I had butterflies in my stomach when I went to see my boss this morning.今天上午我去见老板时心里很紧张。He's been running around the office this morning like a man possessed.今天上午一直在办公室里跑来跑去,像个疯子似的。He was in a bad frame of mind this morning.今天上午他心情恶劣。A new priest said Mass this morning.今天上午一位新牧师做了弥撒。Is something wrong? You seem a bit on edge this morning.出什么事儿了?你今天上午好像有些心神不宁。I've got to go into town this morning.今天上午得进城去。I hope he's not going to spring any nasty surprises on us at the meeting this morning.我希望今天上午的会议他不会冷不防对我们说出一些让人讨厌的话来。I need to go to the bank this morning.今天上午必须去银行。I helped Pop fix the gate this morning.今天上午我帮爸爸把门修好了。We were the first twosome out on the golf course this morning.我们俩是今天上午第一对来到高尔夫球场的人。I have an English class this morning.今天上午有一堂英语课。They started out this morning.他们今天上午出发了。Oil prices continued an upward swing in New York this morning.今天上午纽约油价继续上扬。Mrs Hyde has checked out this morning.海德夫人今天上午已经结帐走了。Sorry I was short with you on the phone this morning.对不起,我今天上午在电话里怠慢了你。I paid the money into my account this morning.今天上午我把钱存入了我的账户。I had a picture taken this morning.今天上午我拍了张照。He dropped the package at the post office this morning.今天上午他去邮局寄了包裹。I came down this morning to get the newspaper.今天上午过来取报纸。Simpson withstood a blistering cross-examination in court this morning.辛普森今天上午在法庭上应对了尖锐的诘问。The doctor has several calls to make this morning.今天上午,这个医生要巡诊好几户人家。He's done damn all since he got in this morning.他从今天上午进来后,就他妈的什么都没做。We had a near-disaster this morning in the car!我们今天上午险些出了车祸!Jane's a bit tetchy this morning.今天上午有点犯急。Kate dropped by this morning.凯特今天上午来过了。Trading has been slow on the New York and Tokyo markets this morning.纽约股市和东京股市今天上午的交易量不大。A bomb exploded this morning in a commercial zone of Medellin.今天上午一枚炸弹在麦德林的一处商业区爆炸。The delivery is scheduled for this morning.送货被安排在今天上午Please see that this urgent parcel gets off this morning.请你务必在今天上午把这紧急邮包寄出去。 The horse had a light canter this morning.这匹马今天上午进行了轻松慢跑。I'm all fingers and thumbs this morning.今天上午我笨手笨脚老是出差错。I haven't had time to check my email this morning.今天上午我还没有时间查一下电子邮件。His British lawyer arrived at Frankfurt airport this morning and went directly to the prison.他的英国律师今天上午到达法兰克福机场后直接前往监狱。I sent a wire to my mother this morning.今天上午我给母亲打了电话。




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