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The man walked with difficulty.那人行走时步履艰难。Footpaths are shown on the map as dotted red lines.人行小道在地图上用红色虚线表示。Father Stephen Lea administered the last rites to the dying men.斯蒂芬·利神父为将死之人行临终圣礼。Some footpaths are closed during the shooting season.在狩猎季节一些人行小道会被封闭。We followed a well-beaten path through the forest.我们沿著常有人行走的小道穿过森林。We built a wooden footbridge over the creek.我们在小溪上搭建了一座人行木桥。He sat on the sidewalk asking for a handout.他坐在人行便道上乞讨。 |