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词汇 人才
例句 Football clubs send spotters to look for young talent.足球俱乐部派出星探去寻找年轻的足球人才The provinces are full of thrusting talents and it would take something extra to stand out.这些省有很多积极进取的人才,所以要脱颖而出就得有自己的独到之处。The company is always looking out for new talent.公司一直在物色新的人才Only people who are physically strong and fit should consider coming on this expedition.只有身体强健的人才可考虑参加这次探险活动。Few traditional television companies are willing to nurture new talent.传统的电视公司很少愿意培养新的人才Only a select few can afford this lifestyle.只有少数人才有钱享受这种生活方式。It takes a big man to forgive him.只有宽厚的人才会原谅他。The country is light on talent in foreign affairs.该国缺乏外交人才Every company needs its visionaries.每家公司都需要有远见的人才My secretary's a real treasure.我的秘书是个难得的人才Only a grinch would complain about the movie's silly plot.只有扫兴的人才会抱怨这部电影情节愚蠢。Only the extremely rich could afford to lunch at the Mirabelle.只有非常有钱的人才能在米拉贝勒餐厅吃得起午餐。Intellectual consistency is the hallmark of a fine legal mind.思维连贯缜密是优秀法律人才的标志性特征。One does not need to be a highbrow to read this book.并不一定是博学的人才能读这本书。It would have taken a paragon of virtue not to feel jealous.这样也不嫉妒,真是完人才做得到。The team has a pool of talent waiting in the minor leagues.这支球队在小联盟拥有一批后备人才There is a shortage of new comedy talent coming through.罕有新的喜剧人才成长起来。I reckon you need to be into masochism to run marathons.我觉得那些喜欢自虐的人才会以跑马拉松为乐。Someone like yourself would be a suitable buyer for the property.像您这样的人才是这处房产的合适购买者。She was caustically brilliant, yet totally loyal, unpretentious, human and tolerant.她这个人才气逼人,可是绝对忠诚可靠,而且毫不做作,有人情味和宽容心。Only people who can afford to lose their money should make high-risk investments.只有那些能够承受资金损失的人才适合进行高风险投资。Thanks to this rank soil, most people survived.多亏土地肥沃,大多数人才得以存活。Drinking and driving is a mug's game. 酒后开车是蠢人才做的事。Only young trendies go to that pub.只有赶时髦的年轻人才去那家酒吧。We're looking for people from a wide range of disciplines.我们需要各个学科的人才There are many good players on the team, but she's a special talent.这个队有很多优秀的运动员,但她是个特殊的人才He is a good judge of musical talent.他善于发掘音乐人才Only the naive believed him.只有天真的人才会相信他。This prompted many employers to appraise their selection and recruitment policies.这促使许多雇主考量其人才选拔和招聘政策。I need a sponsor to get me into the club.我需要一个保证人才可加入俱乐部。He'll be competing against the world's best.他将和世界上最优秀的人才较量。It took seven people to maneuver the tiger out of its cage.动用了七个人才把老虎弄出了笼子。He enjoys a style of living that is beyond the means of all but the wealthiest people. 他享受的生活方式只有最富有的人才承担得起。Only a degraded person could have done such a thing.只有堕落的人才干得出这种事。The England selectors must start introducing young blood.英格兰队的人才选拔委员会必须着手引入一些新生力量。Hollywood directors have an amazing pool of acting talent to draw from.好莱坞导演有大量的表演人才可以选择。It's a tragic waste of talent.这么浪费人才,真可悲。Jason, with his no-nonsense approach, has been an asset to the project.贾森办事干脆利落,对这个项目来说是个人才His confessions to the two killings did reveal special knowledge such as could only have been known by the killer.他在两宗谋杀案的供状中的确透露出一些只有杀手本人才知道的特殊细节。Only a small man would think of that at such a time.唯有小人才会在那样的时刻想到那上头去。




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