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词汇 亲戚
例句 She plans to return to Dublin to catch up with the relatives she has not seen since she married.她打算回都柏林,去看望一下结婚后就再没见过面的亲戚I spent part of my Christmas vacation with my dad's family.圣诞节假期里有一部分时间我是和爸爸的亲戚一起过的。I sensed her wistfulness when she talked about vacations her relatives took.她谈起她亲戚度假时,我感觉到了她的失落。Lucia had brought an aged relative with her as her chaperone.露西亚带了位年长的亲戚当她的陪伴。The doctor weakly puts the case that the mother-to-be has many relatives, so needs less support from the hospital.那个大夫还草率认为这位准妈妈有不少亲戚,因此不需要医院过多的帮助。King William's proposal of his relative as candidate for the throne of Spain.威廉国王让其亲戚做西班牙王位候选人的提议。The couple relied on informal care from relatives.这对夫妇依赖亲戚的非正式看护。His kindred are still living in Ireland.他的亲戚仍住在爱尔兰。Her aunt is her nearest relative.她姨妈是她最近的亲戚Women are more likely than men to be carers of elderly dependent relatives.与男人相比,女人更有可能去照料年迈不能自理的亲戚He greeted me like a long-lost relative.他跟我打招呼,就像久未见面的亲戚一样。They thought that their relatives would be able to fix the visas.他们以为他们的亲戚们会把签证办好。They are waiting for news of their relatives.他们正在等候亲戚的消息。They were met with cheers and applause from relatives.他们在亲戚们的欢呼喝彩声中受到欢迎。He divided the money among his relatives.他把钱分给了他的亲戚们。We spent the week visiting relatives.我们花了一星期时间走访亲戚He's been nursing an elderly relative.他一直在照顾一位年老的亲戚His relations always did pretty well by him.他的亲戚一直对他很好。Relatives loaded him with gifts when he graduated.他毕业时亲戚们送了他很多礼物。 She sojourned with some relatives in London for 2 months.她在伦敦的一些亲戚那儿住了两个月。They returned to grieve a relative.他们因一位亲戚亡故而回来奔丧。She had had enough of all her quarrelsome relatives.她受够了那些总是吵来吵去的亲戚When I was a child, I used to hate being kissed by visiting relatives.我小时候很讨厌到访我们家的亲戚亲我。Is he a relation of yours? 他是你的亲戚吗?His relatives have said he became unbalanced after the death of his father.亲戚们说他在父亲去世后就精神失常了。Get a relative to look after the children.找一个亲戚来照看孩子。I thought of myself as sophisticated compared with my countrified relatives.我以为,跟我那些土里土气的亲戚比,自己颇为老练。She has no relatives to fall back on.她没有亲戚可以依靠。At the family reunion, I saw relatives I haven't seen in years.在家庭聚会上,我见到了多年未见的亲戚I live in London, but my relatives live up north, in Manchester.我住在剑桥,而我的亲戚们住在北部的曼彻斯特。Don't allow relatives to pour cold water on your optimism.别让亲戚们给你的乐观情绪泼冷水。 I'm going to declutter before my family comes to visit.我要在亲戚来之前清理一下房子。It was a quiet wedding, with just a few friends and relations.那是一个平静的婚礼,只有几位朋友和亲戚在场。Your cousin is also kin to me.你的堂兄也是我的亲戚The woman, who needs constant attention, is cared for by relatives.那个需要长期照料的女人由亲戚们照看着。After both their parents died, one of their father's relatives carted off the entire contents of the house.他们父母都去世后,父亲这边的一个亲戚把他们家里的东西全都拉走了。He had written letters on official notepaper to promote a relative's company.他用公函信纸写信推广一个亲戚的公司。I sent my other son to the country to stay with kinsfolk.我把另外一个儿子送到了乡下,和亲戚们住在一起。The children are being cared for by a relative.孩子们由一位亲戚照料着。Charlene has lived with relatives since her house burned down.查伦的房子被烧毁后,她就一直和亲戚住在一起。




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