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词汇 享乐
例句 Pat spent most of his time at college going to parties and living it up.帕特在大学里大部分时间都在参加聚会,尽情享乐They used money freely in achieving princely comforts and amusements.他们为追求穷奢极欲的享乐而挥金如土。She enjoys enormous wealth and material pleasures.她拥有巨大的财富和物质享乐I reposed myself here a week, to rest and regale myself after my long journey.长途跋涉后,我在这里歇了一周,休息享乐The beer festival was a huge open-air jamboree with music, stalls and everyone enjoying themselves.啤酒节是一场大型的露天狂欢,有音乐和货摊,每个人都尽情享乐Mum's great on diseases and problems, but not so good on pleasure.妈妈对疾病和解决难题都很在行,却不太明白如何享乐Many purchases are related to hedonic impulses.许多购物行为和享乐冲动有关。His sole aim in life is to enjoy himself.他人生唯一的目的就是享乐Opera was once the plaything of a privileged few in America.在美国,歌剧曾是少数人特有的享乐We must take the bitter with the sweet.我们应该既能享乐也能吃苦。He lives for nothing but pleasure.他活着只是为享乐In this business, you have to learn to take the rough with the smooth.干这一行,你得学着既能享乐也能吃苦。These paintings are in some ways a reminder that earthly pleasures are ephemeral.这些画在某种意义上提醒人们世俗的享乐是短暂的。




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