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词汇 亟需
例句 There is an urgent need for someone to tackle this problem.亟需有人来解决这个问题。In some communities there is a particular need to develop tolerance and improve race relations.某些社区亟需发扬宽容精神,改善种族关系。These children are in dire need.这些孩子亟需救助。Planes brought badly needed food and medicine.飞机带来了亟需的食品和药物。New ways of reducing the damage to the environment are urgently needed.亟需新措施减少对环境的破坏。The boat's interior badly needed painting.该船内部亟需油漆。Romania badly needs aid to modernize its outmoded industries.罗马尼亚亟需援助以使其落后的工业实现现代化。Today, the once-grand streets are characterized by decaying HMOs, sorely in need not just of redecoration but more fundamental repair.如今,在曾经富丽堂皇的街道上,破烂的合租房却成了其最大特征,这些房子亟需的不仅是简单的再装修,而是根本性的修建。The earthquake survivors are in desperate need of help.地震幸存者亟需帮助。Romania badly needs aid to modernise its outmoded industries.罗马尼亚亟需援助以使其落后的工业现代化。Catherine could not give her the advice she most needed.凯瑟琳无法给她最亟需的建议。We are rather badly off for trained secretarial staff.我们亟需训练有素的文秘人员。There is an urgent need for food and water.现在亟需食物和水。Troops are needed to help get food into Kosovo where people are in desperate need.需要军队帮助将科索沃人民亟需的食品送抵那里。Energy policy is badly in need of radical re-examination.能源政策亟需进行彻底的重新审视。The house is sadly in want of repair.这房子亟需修缮。The present system needs to be revamped considerably.现行体系亟需作大幅度的改进。The homeless are in sore need.无家可归者亟需帮助。




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