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The UN Security Council has decreed that the election must be held by May.联合国安理会裁定选举开始时间必须不晚于五月。Three weeks from today, that is to say, the 1st of May, you have to turn in the paper.从今天起三星期后,即五月一日,你必须把报告交上来。April showers bring May flowers. 四月的阵雨让花儿在五月盛开。How many hours did the plane log in the sky between April 30 and May 15?这架飞机于四月三十日至五月十五日期间在空中飞行了多少小时? In May 1968 there was a massive wave of student riots.一九六八年五月曾发生过大规模的学生骚乱。The scents and sounds of the May countryside were wafted to us in the spring sunshine.在春日的阳光中,五月乡村的鸟语花香向我们飘荡过来。Cinco de Mayo events this year include cookouts, parades, and dances.今年的五月五日节庆祝活动包括户外野餐、花车游行和舞蹈。She only met him in May and they were married by July. It'll end in tears, you'll see.她五月才认识他,然后他们七月就结婚了。这不会有好结果的,你等着瞧吧。The first May blossoms are harbingers of doom to the hay fever sufferer.五月初绽的花朵预示着花粉症患者要难熬了。The committee is expected to conduct hearings in May.委员会预期在五月举行听证会。I had the first watch that May evening.我第一次执行警戒任务是在那个五月的晚上。The editor is short of contributions for the May issue.编辑缺少五月号一期上的稿件。She was born on the first of May. 她生于五月一日。The university's academic calendar runs from September to May.这所大学的校历是从九月至五月。She reaches retirement next May.她明年五月就到了退休年龄。Many American universities have their commencements in May or June.美国很多大学的毕业典礼都在五月或六月。The tourist season extends from May till October.旅游季节从五月延续到十月。Because of the clement May weather, they were optimistically wearing pastel summer dresses.五月的天气温和宜人,所以他们乐观地穿上了浅色夏装。Last May I went to a conference in Montreal.去年五月我去蒙特利尔参加一次会议。This railway will be opened to traffic in May at the latest.这条铁路至迟五月通车。The wedding took place late in May.婚礼在五月下旬举行。June comes immediately after May.五月一过便是六月。In May, mulch the bed with garden compost.五月,在苗圃里施上肥。The voters get the chance to pass their verdict next May.明年五月选民有机会投票作出决定。The summit meeting is to be held on May 3.高峰会议定于五月三日举行。They're building a drugstore, which is scheduled to open in May.他们正在建一家杂货店,定于五月开张。The recently constituted government will hold elections in May.新成立的政府将于五月举行选举。In the first ten days of May our squadron accounted for at least seven enemy aircraft.五月的头十天,我们中队至少摧毁了七架敌机。The marriage will take place in May.婚礼将于五月举行。In May they danced in the streets, buoyed by their victory.五月,他们受到胜利的鼓舞而在大街上跳舞。The group holds bimonthly meetings in January, March, May, and so on.这个团体每两个月召开一次会议,分别在一月、三月、五月等,如此类推。 |