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The code is cross-referenced to a database which immediately details the nature of the target.代码通过互见指向一个能够立即详细解释目标性质的数据库。The almanac includes cross-references to a map and timeline for each country.这本年鉴包括各国地图和大事年表的互见注释。The census figures are cross-referenced to more detailed information about each state.人口普查的数据有互见注释,可了解各州更详细的信息。Other spellings of the word are cross-referenced to this spelling in small capitals.此词的其他拼写形式以互见方式被指引到用小号大写字母印刷的这种拼写形式上来。The book is heavily cross-referenced.这本书有大量的互见注释。 |