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词汇 breast
例句 You would expect babies to know how to breast-feed by instinct.你本以为婴儿会本能地知道如何吃奶。The mother crushed her child to her breast.母亲把孩子紧搂在怀里。Hope springs eternal in the human breast.人的内心总是存有希望。People say that breast-feeding is better than bottle-feeding because it's more natural.人们认为母乳喂养比用奶瓶喂养好,因为母乳更为天然。He decided to make a clean breast of what had happened and risk being punished.他决定冒着被惩罚的危险如实坦白发生的一切。Julia finally made a clean breast of it and admitted that she had stolen the money.朱莉娅最终坦白了,承认是她偷了钱。There are many advantages to breast-feeding.母乳喂养有许多益处。She spent hours practising the breast stroke.她花了数小时练习蛙泳。She clasped the crying child to her breast.她把哭泣的孩子抱到怀里。She is breast-feeding her baby.她正在给她的婴儿喂奶。A handkerchief perked from his breast pocket.一块手帕笔挺地插在他胸前的口袋里。The chemical heightens contrast between different kinds of tissue in the breast.这种化学物可以增强乳房不同组织之间的对比度。Make a small slit in each chicken breast and push in a piece of garlic.在每块鸡胸上切个小口,塞进一瓣蒜。Clasping the child to her breast, she began to weep.她把孩子抱在胸前,哭了起来。Women judged to be at high risk for breast cancer should be examined every year.被认为属于乳癌高危人群的妇女应该每年检查一次。I ordered the grilled breast of chicken.我点了烤鸡胸肉。The battle roared; a sound calculated to arouse the sublimest emotions in the breast of the soldier.战场上吼声震天,意在唤起士兵们最昂扬的斗志。He plunged the knife into her breast.他突然把刀刺入她的胸部。Slice the duck breast and serve.把鸭胸脯切成薄片后端上来。This university served as the breast for the intellectual movement.这所大学为这场知识界的运动提供了乳汁。She is at risk for breast cancer because of genetic predisposition.由于遗传体质,她有患乳腺癌的危险。Dick cradled her photograph against his breast.迪克把她的照片轻轻拥在胸前。She stood breast-high amid the corn.她站在齐胸高的玉米地里。Leading scientists claim breast-fed babies are intellectually brighter.主流科学家宣称母乳喂养的婴儿更聪明。The male has a bright orange breast.雄鸟有鲜艳的橙色胸脯。The protective benefits of breast milk are numerous for both mother and baby.母乳喂养对母亲和婴儿都能起到很大的保护作用。Potential health risks are spelt out to women wanting silicone breast implants.硅胶乳腺假体的种种潜在风险都已向想要隆胸的女性一一告知。Not all women have the choice of whether or not to breast-feed their babies.并非所有女性都能选择是否给宝宝进行母乳喂养。She found a lump in her breast.她在胸部发现了一个肿块。The bird can be recognized by the dark streaks on its breast.这种鸟可由其胸部的黑色条纹辨认出来。The dagger entered his breast.匕首插入了他的胸膛。He reached into his breast pocket for his cigar case.他把手伸进胸前口袋里拿雪茄烟盒。The hepatitis B virus has been isolated from breast milk.乙型肝炎病毒已从母乳中分离出来。The chicken breast is boneless.这块鸡胸肉没有骨头。The soldier wore a decoration on his left breast.这名士兵在左胸佩一枚勋章。During an examination her midwife discovered a lump in her breast.在一次体检中,助产士在她的胸部发现了一处肿块。How can any woman rest easy now, knowing her breast cancer may be misdiagnosed?知道自己的乳腺癌可能被误诊,哪个女人能不担心呢?She sketched a hurried sign of the cross over her breast.她在胸前草草划了个十字。There's no point in beating your breast about losing the money - you won't get it back.丢了钱捶胸顿足也无济于事——钱也找不回来。He dug paper and tobacco from his breast pocket and rolled a cigarette.他从前胸口袋中掏出烟纸和烟叶,卷了一支烟。




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